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t4i screen display

Rising Star

When shooting moon and or stars at night when first starting out scrreen will go dark when I am using eye piece as it should when eye sensor is on but screen will not turn back on when i move back from eye piece or if I press shutter half way.If I then take a piocture image will not appear for the 4 seconds I have enabled or screen will not turn back on.If I disable the eye sensor screen will stay on I then take picture and it appears for the 4 seconds as it should and then screen goes back for another shot.When I bring camera back inside screen still will not work properly until a few hours later when it is daytime.Does eye sensor have a lag time to work again becasuse of darkness so does it take a while to go back to normal?also when in total darkness does the eye sensor assume  you are looking through eyepiece all the time and sense something close to sensor when in fact it is dark everywhere?After a couple of hours when in full daylight everything goes back to normal.This is driving me crazy.



Hello Chief,

From what you describe of this issue it is related to the camera being used at night, since this does not occur during the day time.  The reason for the four second delay in the recorded image may be the speed of the card you are using relative to the length of the exposure.  If you are shooting a long exposure, it would take a longer time to write to the card versus if you were shooting a quicker exposure. 

If this is an urgent matter and you need support please contact us directly.

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thanks tim but the problem is the whole screens goes blank and does not come back on.that is either the image I just took or the screen showing what camera is set on it just is blank although i can still take image and they will appear fine when I go to look at them.Camera will stay like that, screen blank, even when you turn camera off then turn back on nothing.If I leave camera off for a couple of hours until it is daylight it will work fine, turn on, screen comes up, I see what camera is set on and what settings, focus shot, take shot,picture comes up for the four seconds i have set then goes back to set up screen ready for another shot.If I bring my eye to eye piece screen shuts off when I move back screen comes back on as it should.It just stays off when dark.Once again my question when it is dark does eye sensor sense dark as it would when you put eye close to sensor and then just stay off all the time because it still senses dark????

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Chief,


From your description, you should be able to resolve this by turning off the "LCD auto off" Menu option.


To access this, press the MENU button and navigate to the Settings 2 (Wrench icon with 2 dots), scroll down to "LCD auto off", then press the SET button.  Now choose "Disable", then press the SET button.  Press the MENU button to exit the menu.

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So can I assume by your answer that the screen stays dark when it is dark outside because eye sensor senses dark.Turning screen off works and I have done that before but what if I want to see my settings on screen when it is dark,are you telling me that you can not see set up screen or image just after taking a picture if it is dark outside

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Chief,


If you want to switch from using the LCD to just turning it on and off, I'd just use the "INFO" button.  You can just leave the menu settings the way they are.

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Does the screen not stay on in the dark?

I have the same trouble when I try to use the bulb setting in fact I can't get it to work. I have a wireless remote control I set the bulb and the self- timer to remote.But It will not take a pic.any help?

Thanks I want to take pics.of the northstar and have the other stars circle around it.

Hello Again Chief,


This is not a specification mentioned in the manual.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you.  It sounds like you have developed a way around this issue and we hope you're able to work with that camera in this manner.

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this still has not answered my question,does the eye sensor work at night or not?
