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micro adjustment results for canon 7D with 70-200 2.8 IS USM II


I would appreciate any help. Not an expert on the subject. Pictures come out very soft, have a hard time adjusting camera & lens. I know that each lens and camera in sync would give different results, but any numbers for MA specially at 200 mm. Thank you to memebers of the forum for the help.


thanks for the advice

Magic Lantern has DotTune. Takes 1 minute / lens or 2 minutes / zoom lens.


With that said I prefer to let the Canon service center fixes bad autofocus. Microadjustment is in my world only a temporary solution. In Japan a calibration costs around 10$. In Sweden (Europe?) 150$. Somebody living in U.S.A maybe can tell what it costs there.

can not wait and hopefully it will help to solve tne micro adjustment issue