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Canon EOS 5DS back focus and front focus issue


Hello guys! 

I have a canon eos 5ds and I am struggling with back focus and front focus problems when shooting throught the viewfinder. I have tried to adjust micro adjustment to get sharp focus results but It is really inconsistent. I got my camera to a technical support store here in my city but they did not managed to fix it. Recently i found that when shooting in live view mode, this problem dos not happen. In live view, the camera focus pretty well with consistent results... Could you know what should be the problem? sorry for my bad english... 




Live view is a different story and you will probably get spot on focus all the time.

About micro adjustments, have you read


sure, in live view It is 100% consistent. The images are beautifully sharp, I just wanted to have this consistence when shooting throught the viewfinder. Live view is too slow, it takes a lot of patience hahaah

I wanted to know if there is another way to correct this problem, considering that the camera can focus pretty well in live view. Maybe something in the mirror? 

By the way, thank you all for the support.


Making AF micro adjustments is just as much a test of the photographer as it is the gear.  It is all too easy to overlook elements that are critical to success.  Some common errors are distance to the focusing target, or testing under the right lighting conditions.

First, what type of lens(es) are giving you trouble?  Can you post a sample of the front/back focusing issue?


"The right mouse button is your friend."

The problem happens with any lenses... I have a 70-200 L 2.8, 17-40 F4 L and a 50mm F1.4. The 50mm get more consistent results... I will try to post some images showing the problem. 
About the correct conditions to execute the AF micro ajustment, I really believe that the local assistence that tried to correct the problem is able to do it functionally, but they could not manage to fix it. They said that my camera could have factory problems, somethink like a production failure. 

Take a look at this list.  Canon released a list of recommend lenses to use with the 5Ds ad 5Dsr. 

"The right mouse button is your friend."