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When I take a picture on my 60d, I can no longer view the picture? Is there an easy solution?



Try a shorter subject line and put some information in the body of the message, especially if this is a first post, and people won't assume you are a spam bot. 


It also might help if the question made some sense.


The question is short and to the point. I'm looking for an answer not criticism??

Marian...your question is short but not to the point at is rather unclear. You can no longer view the picture where? on the LCD, on the TV, on the computer?  How were you viewing them before? Can you view them by pressing the view button? Can you still download them or they didn't get recorded on the card?


The way you asked, if I wish to answer your question correctly I'd have to write a book on all possibilities...I'm with the previous poster on this one. Sorry.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Ususally, if someone would say, "they can no longer view the picture" I would assume the view button is no longer working.  So, after taking a picture I can not go back and see my pictures on the LCD screen.  At least you know how to use constructive critism. Some people just think it's "OK" to just say rude and unnessary comments. They don't consider that they are communicating with someone that has feelings.  If you don't understand a question then ask in a nice way, he didn't need to be rude.

If you think that was rude then you've got a long hard life ahead of you on the internet. 


And the "question" still isn't really answerable. Sorry.


Perhaps someone far wiser than I can figure it out.



Got a hold of customer service and it needs repair.
