Unable to register T6s through EOS Utility image.canon (or edit


I am getting the error below when trying to setup the Web Service (it downloads the SSL certificate successfully prior to this).

T6S-EOSUtility-Failed to Connect.png

This guide is provided for the T6s (https://ihub.image.canon/linkcameraguide?name=EOS%20Rebel%20T6s&method=eu&connect_guide=camera-eu.ht...) details the procedure to register the device with EOS Utility, but it doesn't quite work the way as explained (it does not allow selecting anything, it immediately opens the registration dialogue and closing that dialogue exits the utility).

Any ideas on how to fix this? Or how do I contact support? Latest firmware is already installed and these are fresh installs of EOS Utility and the two photo programs.



I wonder if this is related the various problems also seen on the Canon website:


Welcome to the forum!

Our website has been going through a major updates and upgrades this week. If you haven't already tried from a different internet browser or another device, please contact camera technical support to help with installing the EOS Web Utility software at: 1-800-652-2666. Thank you for your patience with us. 

I don't have problems installing the software. EOS Utility 3 refuses to connect to the image.canon.

Website seems to also contain a lot of non-production links and code too...

2022-07-21 EOS Utility.


EOS Utility Download.png

Interesting, logged into my Canon account and saw a lens I registered in 2015 is gone too. I still have the confirmation email.


EOS Utility still fails to connect to the server (despite downloading the latest SSL cert).


2022-08-31 EOS Web Fails.png

Greetings noxvis,

Let's check to see if you're able to log in to your image.canon account through a website browser. If everything loads correctly after logging in then let's try to go through the web services option in EOS Utility to see if you're able to load the image.canon profile to the EOS Rebel T6 from the EOS Utility software.

Another thing you can check is to see if you're using a VPN service or any type of firewall settings that may prevent the software with communicating with our image.canon server. You may also test to see if you're able to load the image.canon profile to the camera on a different computer.

I do not have issues with the Canon website. I do not have a VPN. This is Spectrum Internet. In fact, if you look earlier, I posted the exact FAQ image.canon gave me to perform this procedure:

"This guide is provided for the T6s (https://ihub.image.canon/linkcameraguide?name=EOS%20Rebel%20T6s&method=eu&connect_guide=camera-eu.ht...) details the procedure to register the device with EOS Utility, but it doesn't quite work the way as explained (it does not allow selecting anything, it immediately opens the registration dialogue and closing that dialogue exits the utility)."




We are going backwards now. It won't even grab the latest SSL certificate anymore




Still not connecting.





2022-10-04 EOS Web Service Web Registration Tool not completing registration. It downloads the latest SSL certificate and then receives "Failed to connect to the server."



