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Suggestion for all camera manuals -- what settings affect RAW images and RAW videos?


My suggestion can be deduced from the title.  I would like every still photo setting in a camera's manual to be marked explicitly that it does or does not have any effect on saved RAW images.  The same for all video settings.

I shoot raw still images almost exclusively.  Manuals today are 1000+ pages with many options.  It would save me time as well as make me feel more confident if each setting was marked somehow that it does or does not affect the RAW image that is ultimately saved onto the card.  There are some settings like  Picture Profile that I've been told does not affect the image saved on the card but it does affect how the image is displayed on the screen.  Pointing out that type of fact would also be welcomed.

Edit: Also, if a setting does not affect the RAW image saved on the card, then it would be great if those settings were disabled (greyed out) when the camera is currently set to save images just in RAW or CRAW.  A dialog could pop up if the user wants to change it explaining why it is greyed out as is done with other settings that are greyed out.



We are just users. For this to be heard by the Canon technical folks, post feedback:

go to the Canon usa website and find the little teeny +.


Yea.  I knew this was a user forum but I thought I had seen product suggestions here before.  I have now submitted feedback per your suggestion.  Thank you


Lots of people make product suggestions, but they don't go anywhere. I hope the act of sharing makes them feel better.


Use something like RawTherapee with Neutral profile or darktable if you don't want those settings to be applied.

He is talking about settings that actually affect the raw data, and can't be "backed out."  An obvious answer would be ISO. I think things like Highlight Tone Priority change the response curve and are also baked into the Raw.

HTP is just an under-exposed mode. ISO 100=HTP 200 when you use the same shutter speed and aperture. And HTP 200 = ISO 50.

But yes, let's talk about things that changes the raw data. LENR is one example. Hit Ctrl+F and find LENR and what it does to white level



High ISO with some cameras auto applies a hot pixel filter. For R6 at ISO 12800 and above but not at ISO 6400 and below.


I believe the only items that affect the RAW files directly are ISO, Highlight Tone Priority and Long Exposure Noise Reduction (since it creates a new RAW file).

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Well, aperture and shutter speed, too. 8^) I was just using ISO as an example of the triangle.
