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Size Option On Website - 6D


hello - What is Size? Im looking to purchase the 6D and the web site is asking which size.

Size:2.90" x 5.70" x 4.40"  OR  Size:1.00" x 1.00" x 1.00"
Size of what? Body, SD card, viewfinder??  So, which should I get?  Pros/Cons?
Obviously I'm a newbie. Please help, thank you.

Please also be aware - the Walmart site also has a marketplace where they allow other businesses to sell products. Please be cautious and only buy from Authorized Canon Dealers, otherwise, you could get a product without a US warranty. You'll find a list of all Authorized Canon Dealers HERE. Our general rule of thumb is to only trust when it's sold and shipped by (or

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If you want to buy a used camera, do it from one of the major, reputable used photo dealers.,,, B&H Photo-Video are four of them. They have knowledgeable people, they grade the equipment to describe condition, they give warranties (up to six months), etc.  I wouldn't touch Wal-Mart with a ten-foot pole to buy a used camera

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hi, it's me...  just putting out another word of caution. I've seen a couple of very reputable companies sell Gray Market cameras, so please do your due diligence. Read the listing completely, and if you see a price that's lower than average, ask questions and be skeptical! 

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It might be a good idea to give us an idea of what kind of website you are referring to.  Camera bodies are not referred to by that type of metric - that is more in line with a print size or a film size.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris


Hi Trevor: Its Walmart:  [Link redacted - replaced with screenshot]



I dont have manual. Ill look for it. I thought this forum is Canon support but Ill check further.

Trevor I appreciate your response, Go Chiefs.

OK, I think you are looking at the dimensions of the camera body.  The other box to the left of it is a dud.  I would ignore the dimensions shown, they are irrelevant to a camera but probably useful for other things like books or picture frames etc.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Yes, 5.7 x 4.4 x 2.8 inches is the size of the first gen EOS 6D.

When selecting a camera though, you wouldn't need to specify a size.  If WalMart's web site is forcing you to do so, I'd look at other authorized Canon resellers instead.

Having said that, an EOS 6D (1st gen) has been discontinued.  So what you're looking at is most likely a used item.

An EOS 6D Mark II can still be found new.  It's around the same size (5.67 x 4.35 x 2.94 in).

Will this be your first camera? There may be much better options depending upon budget.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Great information Ricky. I shoot camcorders. Yes, this is my first DSLR and Ill take your response to heart.  thank you very much.


thank you for the follow-up. At a difference of $120 I may go for the

Size:2.90" x 5.70" x 4.40".  I don't know why. Bigger is Better??  I did download the manual, nothing there. Ill continue to search.  thanks Trevor.


All EOS 6DII cameras are the same size, there is no variation.  The only variation you might see on a site is what lens or lenses they come with.  I think you need to stop and learn a bit more about the kind of thing you are buying.
If you are focused on the 6DII specifically, then look at You Tube videos about the camera and read material on the manual.  If you proceed as you are you are in serious danger of buying the wrong thing.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Don't purchase a camera solely based upon its physical size.  Newer generations of a particular model may be larger or smaller.  More capable cameras may also be larger or smaller.

Instead, describe what types of photography you're interested in.  If you currently have a camera with lenses, list them out.  Also include a maximum budget.  Based upon your answers, better advice can be given on what cameras may work the best for you. 


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Hi Ricky - My reason for DSLR is "trend". I like the shallow depth of field and ease of use on a Zhiyun stabilizer. Especially for real estate this image is preferred.  I'd like to shoot in 1080p, Full HD. Don't need 4K. and I'd like to cap my cost at $2,000. This camera fits all that and is full frame. thank you for your continued advice.
