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Reset cr2 metadata to put cr2 files back to camera from computer?


I'm doing a lot of double exposures on my canon 6D, sometimes i want to take the second exposure another time of the year. So i have to save my .cr2 files on my computer to put it back in camera.
Like any professional i have to structure my file bank and i use Photo mechanic to colorlabel my pictures to sort them in folders.


But aperently i cant put back a cr2 file to camera that have been stared or colour labeld in photomecanic, it seams like there have been som changes in IPTC(?) and camera will not accept any changes to the meta data.
Even if I rotate the picture in comupter the camera will not acccept the cr2 file.. This is very frustrating and big issue for me, i have 15 images that i intended to double expose this moth.


I have try various program but no result of completely delete the changes to meta data that camera will accept. i have talk whit the suport on photomecanic and they have no idea and how to solve this. What can i do?

Thank you for reading this!



Wouldn't it be a lot easier to take separate exposures and combine them using a high-end photo editor?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Thanks for answering Robert!
No, Then it´s a montage and not a double exposure.

Also you have a grate ability to compose the second to a shot using live view. I relly want to get my cr2 files back to camera.


Montage or double exposure, it is the same underlying algorithm. It likes if I crank up the saturation on the camera, or do it afterward. But anyway, I haven't done it with CR2 file, but I have done it with JPEG. Can you convert your image to JPEG, then put it back in using widow explorer? Multi-exposure image on a 6D only gives JPEG as final product then it should be ok. Like I said, double exposure is the same if you do it in camera or post process. It is not film.

Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

No, i really not agree. its a whole different workflow whit in the camera, try it for your self and you will understand the superior workflow in camera! Also, to get the dual exposure in one high data cr2 raw file is incredible!
Nope JPG will not work.

So there seems to be no way to reset the cr2 file?

I don't have a camera that can double expose but I agree with the others.  Post is the way to do this.  If you think about it registering will be a whole lot easier in post than in the camera a year later.

What exactly is the difference between stacking two RAW files in the camera as opposed to Photoshop?  The resulting comp is the same?  Is it not?

Also, there is several very good stacking software availble.  Ask any astro-photographer.


EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Ultimately it starts with the data from two images. Once you have that data, you can do anything you want with it.

In film, we could either shoot a double exposure in-camera... or we could "sandwhich" the negatives in the darkroom enlarger.

I have a 5D III which allows various "double" (multiple) exposure options and algorithms. But it turns out I can do all of this through Photoshop and its use of layers and masking too.

In-camera processing is limited to the handful of algorithms preconceived by the Canon developers. While these are very nice, there are only a handful of them. A computer-based program... such as Photoshop, provides considerably more options, but the "catch" is that you have to learn a less-obvious user interface to make that happen. For all of Photoshops many advantages.... the learning curve to use it is not counted among its strengths. It can take years to master.

Ultimately I do have more "control" over the process if I use Photoshop.
Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Thank you for your answer!

Im well known whit PS but this is not a thecnical issue in that mather. Im doing Art and i NEED to have doubel exposures mad in camera that´s what my audience asking for, not a montage made in PS.  It´s also a superior workflow in mather of control. If anyone have a difrent opinion i sugest to try to do a double exposure in-camera with live view on, it is a fun and creative way to work.

I really hope to get a answer from the question i was asking for in the first place.
I have been searching all around the internet and all i can find is people with same problem as me. I think if ther is an answer this is the forum that wold have the knowledge to answer it. pleace someone?
It seams like i have been destroing a dosen of pictures whit Lightroom and Photo Mechanic. And yes, im very frustrated.
And no, PS is NOT the sulotion.

The question again:

Is it possible to reset meta data on a meta-data-touched-image so camera can accept it?


Is it posible to crack/trick kamera to accept  meta-data-touched-images?

You may not like the answer but you got your answer. Smiley Frustrated


    "No, Then it´s a montage and not a double exposure."


If you were to do this properly it would become impossibile to tell if it was done in PS or done in the camera.  Plus you can make the meta data say anything you want.  Not acepting that ANSWER, you need to buy a camera that allows for double exposure.  A lot of cameras can do this.


It is not hard to put cr2 files back on the memory card and back in the camera.  The camera is not going to shoot over any of them.  No camera I know will do that.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.