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Rebel t3 has fully Charged battery, but won't turn on....any suggestions?

I have tried two fully charged batteries, but my rebel t3 won't turn is about 4 years has not been dropped or damaged....and I used it about 3-4 weeks ago with no problem. Any suggestions?

I did read in the manual that there are two different batteries......I have no idea where the second one is located or even how big it is.....

Ok I got this camera off a friend, I've tried everything suggested but the new battery and it still won't turn. This has stressed me a bit but I'm glad I'm not alone in this issue. Please help with any other suggestions??

@Tlatkielski wrote:
Ok I got this camera off a friend, I've tried everything suggested but the new battery and it still won't turn. This has stressed me a bit but I'm glad I'm not alone in this issue. Please help with any other suggestions??

Take it back to your "friend".

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


I had the same problem with a Rebel T3i I bought in October 2012. Very carefully cared, the camera did not suffered any shock or other problem. "Suddenly" it sttoped to work: - no image in the LCD pannel (competely black) and the only signs I could read in the viewfinder were the ISO value, the "busy" lightning if light was poor (and the built-in flah would automactically been raised), and a green dot on the lower right corner.


Contacts and compartments lock checked. Bettery fully recharched. Problem continued.


After reading these posts I formated the memory card in a laptop and the problem was solved 🙂


One week before I inserted the card in Samsung computer to transfer my last pictures takns (not more than a dozen) as I have been doing since I bought the camera. Never happned before. Fortunately, solved - FORMAT THE CARD (please, this is not a shout, it´s a highligt).


I also realized that I forgot to change the sutter from 10 sec to one shot (as I changed it about 10 days earlier).


Many thanks for thos ewho posted suggestions. Leaving in a small town in South America would not be easy to buy a cheap and good battery...


My Rebel T3 glitched out a couple of times & removing the battery & putting it back in seemed to solve it. Now, nothing...won't turn on at all. I have two Point & Shoot cameras (NOT Canon) that are 12 yrs old, had more use than this camera, yet they still function perfectly. I DID have to return my 1st Rebel T3 due to artifacts (bad sensor) this one & it had the same issue...just less artifacts, so i gave up & kept the 2nd camera....NOW THIS!!! I take excellent care of my electronics & cameras....major OCD about them. NEVER EVER DROPPED. The camera looks brand new, but is a huge piece of junk sitting there now. Is Canon doing the same corporate marketing as so many of the other companies out there? Design it to work for just long enough they won't be in generate more sales? Like HP computers & so many others do? Oh, please buy more Canon, since we can all afford to replace our cameras every couple of years...NO THANKS


Make sure the pictures Directory on the card is either not there or the default one, I had forgotten had changed it for copy purposes and when I deleted it, it wortked like a charm


1. I switch my EOS 1100d on and nothing happens.


2. I take out the battery, put it back in and switch on again.  Still nothing happens.


3. I take out the battery, blow on the terminals of the battery and the ones in the camera.  I put the battery back in and switch on again.  Hey presto - the camera works perfectly - until I switch it off.


Then, I have to repeat steps 2 and 3.


I've taken it to several camera shops to see if they'd heard of this issue before.  Nope.  They don't believe it happens - until I show them.  Then, this puzzled look sweeps across their faces.


They have cleaned the terminals on the battery and in the camera and still the issue occurs.  They have even put a new battery in and still the issue occurs.


Ideas, please, guys? 


Okay this is GOING TO SOUND RIDICULOUS! But hear me out.


I had this issue where I turned the camera on and it worked fine, I took the SD card out and swaped it for my 32GB one that I had just found after a while. It didn't turn on so I put the battery, which I had just taken off the charger, back on.


A little bit later I put it back in and it WOULD NOT turn on. So this forum said to check these pins in the SD card slot and battery doors, so I did, no broken pins.


Then someone said to try formatting your SD card, so I did (found a weird file... don't know if it was supposed to be there), but it still wouldn't turn on.


I took the SD card out, blew in the slot like a Nintendo cartridge, thought "Wow, if this works I'm going to have to make an account and tell this story", put the card back in, and it turned on fine right away.


try it.

Please see the above two posts relating to this matter.


Update: I took the camera with me to Greece during the summer.  It worked fine all of the time and didn't need the terminals to be blowed on.  What we have here folks is probably a temperature-related electrical fault.  The heat from one's breath increases the temperature in the camera and temporarily resolves the switch-on problem. My guess is that when we go to New York in late December, we will have some major issues with the camera because of the cold weather.

Canon rebel t3i I have two batteries and worked fine 5 days ago. SD card has been used for several years. Took out battery, took out SD card. Replaced battery and camera powered on. Placed SD card back in and camera would not power on. Placed anothr SD card in and camera works. 


I was able to place the first SD card in my pc and back up the 1500 or so pictures. 


Cannon website says this camera is not supported any longer 

Sounds like the moisture in your breath was just enough to allow the contacts to get cleaned when the card and or battery was inserted. If the problem comes back and blowing works again or doesn't I would buy a can of Deoxit 5 or the small bottle of it and use that to clean off the internal contacts. Spray it or brush it on the card's contacts and the battery's contacts, insert both, remove both a few times to clean them better. 
