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Rebel XTi LCD Screen repeatedly turns off and on every second




I made the above .GIF to illustrate my problem. I have tried changing the battery, it does the same thing. 


I have three batteries that are 7.2V 1000maH


My charger output is, DC 4.2V(8.4V) - 600mAH


Is that a problem?


A cousin gave it to me to fix. When the camera is connected to a computer via USB cable, the Windows File Explorer that stores the images on the camera opens and closes in sync with the camera display turning off and on. 



Probably time for a replacement camera body.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Can I troubleshoot further?

@Smallworlds630 wrote:
Can I troubleshoot further?

Not much that I can see.  Remove any lens that may attached. 


Make sure your battery is fully charged.  If the battery is a few years old, it may need replacement.  But, even an older battery should be able to hold its' voltage longer than what you're seeing, and even then I would not expect the camera to power back up, if the battery were dead and dying.


BTW, sometimes words are better than a cryptic animation.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I put in the battery, and switch the camera to 'ON.' What you see in the .gif follows. I have three batteries and it seems to be doing it in all of them, so that would rule out a battery issue correct?

@Smallworlds630 wrote:
Can I troubleshoot further?

Because it's the date/time window that's flashing, you might try replacing the separate date/time battery. (I don't think today's Rebels have a D/T battery, but I think the XTi did.)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Great suggestion, thanks