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R7, 90D or??


Hello everyone, the last camera I owned is a Canon EOS 35mm film camera with various EF lens and have not taken photos in a dozen years. I am currently really wanting to get back into photography  and am looking for somewhat of an “ all around” type. Sometimes indoor portraits of my son, or various places we bust but mostly outdoors for wildlife and landscapes. I understand that no camera is perfect for all of these situations and am asking for advice on which would be best suited for an all around. When I started my research I was turned into the 90D by a few videos I had seen, then someone suggested to me that if I am spending that much $ might as well go to the R7.  Mirror less is completely new for me however will make the transition if it is a better choice. Or is there another model that I am completely missing in the price ranges of the R7/90D. Lens compatibility with my old EF lens isn’t really a deciding factor and I will purchase a dedicated lens for upclose indoors as well as a zoom for the wildlife and have no loyalty between DSLR or Mirrorless. Thanks in advance for any suggestions, they are greatly appreciated. Oh if I may add, I know these are a big step up and is going to be my first experience other than a cheap point and shoot with digital and there will be a huge learning curve.  I would rather start off with something that may take months to learn, however I will not outgrow in a years time and be wanting to upgrade, I prefer jumping into the best that I can afford and grow into it ( purchasing various lenses over time) instead of outgrowing something too fast, if that makes sense.  Thanks again



If you are starting "cold" I would recommend going with the R7.

Canon EOS R7 vs EOS 90D | Digital Camera World

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Definitely agree with John:

The Camera:
Canon is moving away from the DSLR platform: thus, in a way, as you say you are not vested in your old camera, you are at an advantage compared to to those who have a serious investment in legacy gear. 
The R7 has a lot of features that you will not find in a DSLR: human, animal and car (driver) tracking: so great for tracking the kids or a pet; it has in-body stabilization (IBIS) and adds that to any stabilization in the lens (Optical Image Stabilization) so you can shoot with slow shutter speeds, which is useful in low-light situations.   It's sensor is at least, but arguably better than that of the 90D, Canon's last DSLR in this range.  The camera has a different mount from the old DSLR system, so look for RF or RF-S lenses.

As to lenses.
You can get a kit lens of two kinds: RF-S 18-45 (which is more of vloggers choice) or the RF-S 18-150, which is a much more all-round unit, and that likely suits your needs more.   For longer work, I would recommend the excellent RF 100-400 lens.  If you wanted a single lens solution only, then I would recommend the excellent RF 24-240.

All of these lenses will offer decent results, without going to the much more expensive L series lenses: intended for serious (and well-heeled) enthusiasts and pro's.

cheers, TREVOR

"The Amount of Misery expands to fill the space available"
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris
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