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R6 Mark II HDMI Limitations - Simultaneously display on monitor and LCD screen


First post, new here. Curious, but does Canon read these comments?

I just purchased an R6 Mark II and I was shocked that the camera's display was disabled when external HDMI was connected! My camera shop was also baffled by this. My vision isn't what it used to be and I was excited about the ability to use a larger external display for monitoring while also having the built in screen's touch focus and info.

If it's possible, I would really appreciate the ability to connect an HDMI monitor while maintaining the ability to record to the camera and use the camera's display in both photo and video modes.


Yes I use Canon camera conect with my Iphone in wifi mode. That’s already it, you’ll tell me. It's true, but the image returned by the application is not much larger than the LCD and the functionalities are basic. I can't change the ISO or the aperture for example. It doesn't broadcast zebras either.

On the other hand, and this is a very good thing, the app allows you to follow the focus by touch like on the canon.

I invested in a pocket transmitter (acssoon nano, which I attach under my Canon mounted on the DJI RSC3 and which wirelessly retransmits the image) and when I stream, not recording internally, I can benefit from the iPhone via the Acssoon nano application which is very good and in addition to the Canon Lcd.

But I imagined being able to take advantage of this ergonomics as a monitor when I record internally too. In the end, it won't be possible this way. 

We always want the most, don't we?


A picture is worth a thousand words

If you aren't going to be helpful no reason to keep repeating the same misinformation. That fact that it CAN export an hdmi video feed and keep the screen on is clear--however in this mode it won't record the internal cards (which for some is a deal breaker). So it's not a "hardware issue" as you keep wrongly repeating.  The camera can put out a signal over HDMI AND keep the screen on, but it forces you to record on the external HDMI source. 

Also, "most people use this for photo" is just blatant fabrication. The video capability of this camera is well documented and you have no idea how users are leveraging it. 

I too am interested in this discussion and miss by Cañon--I use a Raven Eye and love the functionality but by turning of the screen I lose all access to auto the ability to touch focus etc. This complicates the workflow and is frustrating--unless I hook up to a Ninja and record that way. 


Hi ,
As of october 2024 what are the best options to be able to have live view on a monitor while filming. 

- i have a R6 mark II
- i shoot 4K at 60 FPS in c-log 3 cinema gamut 
- i need to have a secondary monitor to live view what i shoot on a large screen 
- i need to have view assistant LUT correction on the external monitor. 
- i need to record on my R6 II i don't want to use an external recorder like ATOMOS Ninja

So for the moment i have test 
- ipad 2022 + camera connect , the problem is that i can't activate view assistant with this option so i can only view things with a Log LUT which is really annoying to make colors and composition decision. Some control like color temp kelvin value are not available.
- my PC + Eos utility with usb live view. On this one i do have view assist preview, but i need a laptop to make it work and the quality of the preview is very rough, and i find the whole experience quite slow.
- So i was considering a third option : 

if i buy a tactile monitor like this one and connect it directly in HDMI with my R6 II :

will i be able to : 
- display the canon screen with view assist 
- control my R6 II with the tactile board
- record locally on the R6 II

thanks for your help

I don't know on the tactile control, you'll be able to display the canon screen but not with view assist, you'd apply a lut in the Atomos to get the most true view. NO you can not record locally that way with the R6. It will give you a message telling you this. Unfortunate lock out by canon. You'll have to record to the Atomos. 

Thanks for answer JohnWick.

I have find contradictory info about this on several forum. So you confirm me that on both of those modes, the moment i plug HDMI cord to connect an external monitor, Internal recording is locked.


At first i have the impression that it was just the case for the first mode when you want movie on both ( camera screen + monitor ).

I will receive my hdmi cable tomorrow to try my options, but i find sad that : 
- canon lock monitor display as i'm quite sure it was working on my old 7D II which is an inferior camera.
- canon doesn't allow to activate view assist in camera connect. It's a shame cause it is just about as simple a displaying a LUT over a matrices of pixels. 

You read thousand test , you go throw advanced specs about what codec the camera can support before purchase, but i have missed this major restriction before my purchase. And for this i can only blame myself to have pick a R6 II.  

basically i need to be on par with the 750D a 9 years old camera consumer grade camera.



Ok so i got my micro HDMI cable. 

- you can connect to a TV or a retroprojector with the HDMI out 
- you can record internally and have live view on the external monitor by using the option screen only in HDMI display menu
- you can hide all the UI elements live focus included on the external monitor 
- you can control your camera with the R6 II joysticks on HDMI monitor
- you can control your camera with camera connect in wifi mode while displaying live view on external monitor , you can have the focus UI visible on camera connect, but no UI at all on your monitor
- you can use the bluetooth remote control with camera connect 


- you can't have monitor + R6 II screen activated at the same time if you want to record internally 
- you can't have view assist on the external monitor 
- you can't have view assist on camera connect app 

so if you want to record internally and have video assist + focus control working while you shoot  and preview on an external monitor, i think you only have 2 options 
- use Eos utility Live View on a PC + USB-C connection 
- use an External Monitor that allow to Load the Canon LUT CinemaGamut_CanonLog3-to-BT709_WideDR_65_FF_Ver.2.0.cube  like the shinobi II ...
I have send an RFE to canon camera connect support to ask for support of view assist button by just applying the 3D LUT .cube over the pixel matrix of the display , i hope they will implement this. 

Thing are good enough for me , as i just need feeback on large TV in studio. 

1000%, I did a lot of research but didn't think to explore this issue first and it was a derailer for me. I ended up selling the camera to KEH and buying a different set up for my video needs. Bummer as the R6 is a great camera otherwise. The R5 mkii or R6mkiii may be good alternatives (albeit way more money).  

So, in summary, is it true that it’s not possible to connect an external monitor via HDMI to any Canon EOS R series camera and have both screens active at the same time? I’d like to keep the camera’s screen available with menus and internal recording, using a second screen just to get a better view of what I’m recording.

Sony cameras can do this—what prevents Canon (in my case, the R6 Mark II) from implementing this feature?

Some Canon's can. They just need two sets of video hardware.


I have the same problem. I would like to connect a larger display when recording videos and still be able to touch my focus area using the internal display. If this problem is not solved, I will switch to Sony in the future!
