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R5 not saving settings.


Hi guys,

I have set my R5 to shoot Raw & Jpg and in the yellow menu I have set it to record separate Raw to the CF Express card and Jpg to the SD card, I have saved this to C1. If I go back to P and change the settings when I go back to C1 the red menu (R&J) are saved but the yellow menu settings are not.

Any ideas??




Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Charles,

Thanks for checking in.

Does it make a difference if the camera is set to shoot photos, not videos? Are you able to save other settings in the yellow menu?


Do you have "Automatic Update of Registered Settings" enabled? Though I would only expect that to update your custom settings if you're in that mode (and not if switching to some other mode and changing settings there).


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers


I've just checked a few things, reset the camera and the Custom settings. In the yellow menu I change the card recording from standard to "separate" and in the red menu changed the jpeg image quality to S then saved to C1. Reset camera, select C1 mode the red menu stays as S the yellow menu reverts back to "standard".


I have a similar problems.

i use the P mode to set up the C1 and everything seems working fine/normal till I use the other mode (P, or others like Av,…). The red-1 “image quality” and yellow-1 “record func+card/folder sel” settings were all reset to JPEG/Rec.separately, same as some other settings.
It’s even more time consuming to recheck every single function after used.

Thanks, any help is appreciated!

I tested it several times, It doesn’t make any difference with “auto update” on or disable. 
it’s set to shoot photos (didn’t test the video yet).

@terencexlee wrote:

I have a similar problems.

i use the P mode to set up the C1 and everything seems working fine/normal till I use the other mode (P, or others like Av,…). The red-1 “image quality” and yellow-1 “record func+card/folder sel” settings were all reset to JPEG/Rec.separately, same as some other settings.
It’s even more time consuming to recheck every single function after used.

Thanks, any help is appreciated!

This thread is old.  Please start a new thread for your issue.  This will put your description of your issue at the top of the page where people can see it.  Thanks, ahead of time.


"Enjoying photography since 1972."