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R5 firmware update 1.52 just released


Looks it?


Trevor Hi! We had a bit of sunshine on the 23rd so went out for a short photo trip. Winds were about 18 mph and the waves at the reservoir included whitecaps but we saw some Grebes and a Merganser so it was worthwhile..Shot everything with tracking on my 100-400 11 with 1.4 111 just to check it out.... and I am pleased to say that I definitely noticed an improvement with the new 1.52 update firmware....all of that movement with the tracking would have been a problem before but the number of keepers was great ...the non keepers were mostly because of my movements as I was shooting from the car out the window (no Is)with  just a good bean bag..Loading a sample of a Pied Grebe for reference...Barb Sorry I have to learn to resize for this group...Pied GrebePied Grebe



Hi Newton,

Just letting you know that all went well and I definitely noticed improvement...any problems were mostly my movement not camera issues. Now I am dreaming of the RF100-500 next ..


I sent Trevor a Pic so I will send another for you...Just a strolling Gull from the same date...Strutting GullStrutting Gull



This image, like your last image of the grebe is not in focus.
Not sure how you think the update helped you, if the eye is out of focus is in this image.
It looks like motion blur, due to a slow shutter speed.

Well to my Senior eyes (which are not the best) it looked okay but not perfect and it was definitely better than in the past before the yes there is an improvement...motion blur? as I mentioned, the wind and waves were at 18 mph and everything including me (I often slip when holding the camera)  was rocking sitting on a high bank and the Gull pic was just a quickie   so I likely did not have the head as it should have been  ....This was just a test run to check on the difference....not to impress anyone...shutter speed was I said this was not on a tripod or remote which are ALWAYS better for me..I only posted for information purposes...not to argue..not in competition with anyone else, I only shoot for myself..... but I do appreciate constructive criticism as I am always trying to improve..

Am posting this today because I truly believe from looking at the raw files as well. that the problems seen in my posted pictures were not the fault of the camera or the update 1.52.

My apologies to the community for not checking the pics better before posting …..

First, as I already mentioned, there were other factors involved and after “sleeping on it” I also realized that photo editing was also responsible for some of the softness so I am re-posting the original posted pic along with a newly edited copy from the same raw original for comparison. There is still a bit of softness but I still maintain it is more caused by me than the camera..also I just started using CRaw so the verdict is still out on that for me…... and admittedly, for my eyes, I use blue light filters on my monitor and glasses both, which may (or not) make my view different too. Not claiming perfection or wishing for an endless conversation on this but simply hoping to present a little more clarification and also not wanting to discourage any others from installing this update from what they have seen in my edited & sizedre edited & sizedfirst postfirst post

Sorry Barb, I honestly can't see the image you said you sent to me.  Was it via a PM?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Hi Trevor, I really need practice uploading to this site LOL Hopefully you will get the two this time...





Hello, Barb!

How far were you away from the Pied-billed Grebe and how much are you cropping? Just curious 🙂


Hi Newton,

Well I  was sitting on a bank that was probably 10 ft up from the water and the Grebe was swimming probably 20-30 ft out in the water...not sure how much cropping but a lot..this is about 100% image display..on DPP...

Was in a small car so add a few more feet to that.....
