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My Canon T8i blacks out in manual mode. Manual mode not taking photos. Please help


My camera blacks out in manual mode when I press the shutter. It just shows a plain white screen in the saved images after I press the shutter. Why is this happening . 

I have a Canon t8i 



It sounds like your exposure settings are off, causing the images to be way overexposed.  Do you know how to read the exposure settings in the OVF, Optical View Finder?

When you play back images in the camera, you can ask the camera to show you the exposure settings.  You could also try to post a sample image that demonstrates the issue in the forum.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I think I figured it out. My shutter speed was way too low. 


How do you like your T8i?

I have one and like it very much.

Steve Thomas

I just got it 3 weeks ago man I love it so much if you have any tips for me let me know. The quality is insane seriously. I’m a beginner. I’ve always had a good eye I wish I would have gotten into photography sooner 


The touch screen is wonderful. It makes it so much easier and quicker to jump around from setting to setting. Use it when you can.

If you haven't done so yet, download a pdf version of your manual and use the search function. It's so much easier to use than the printed manual that came with your camera.

Steve Thomas


Before jumping in to manual mode, best to work with the other modes first. Start with Av (aperture priority) where you control depth of field.  Also try Tv (shutter priority) to control how much or how little motion blur you want.

Move on to P (program) mode when wanting to have more control.

Finally, move to M mode when you need ultimate control. Though at this point, you should now be also familiar with knowing when the other modes may be better for certain scenarios.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers