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Lost the LCD info display on the 7D


I have lost the info display on the rear LCD of the Canon 7D. When I turn the camera on, nothing displays on the LCD, the screen is black. Before when I turned the camera on, it gave me basic information regarding settings, battery life, number of shots available. I no longer have that information. I am not sure if I turned something off somewhere, but I can't seem to get this information back again. I know there are settings on the top LCD, but I would like to see them on the back LCD also.  Is there any way I can get this screen to appear again?


Hi Nhanminh,

I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with the rear LCD on your EOS 7D. The first thing to check would be to turn on the camera and repeatedly press the Info button. Each time you press the Info button the camera should switch to the next display type it can show. When you see the display you prefer stop pressing the Info button and the camera will remember the display you left it on.

If you are not getting a response when you press the Info button then we would recommend pressing the Menu button to make sure the Menu displays. If neither button is responding that is a sign there is an issue with the camera that would need service. The Info and Menu buttons cannot be customized or disabled, so the camera should respond every time you press them.
