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Has anyone had a problem with memory cards switching the file from EOS to EKS?


My camera memory cards have suddenly switched from an EOS file to an EKS file and are no longer readable.  I don't know if the problem is my computer, my card reader, my memory cards, or my camera.  It doesn't seem probable that two cards would become corrupted or go bad at the same time.  I have two large capacity cards and two new high capacity cards that I haven't tried yet, but I'm afraid to try to use any of my other cards until I know what is going on with these two.   The camera I'm using a 5D Mark II.  Can anyone please help!   This is a serious problem for me! 


Thank you to everyone for your help and assistance!


Best regards,



Glad you figured it out. I've heard built-in-card-reader from HP is not reliable at all. 

Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

I can attest to that!  It had me going for a while...  Thanks for your help!


