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Frustrated... Canon EOS apps appear to not work reliably and the FTP transfer in the R5 is flaky


One potential problem is I am on a Mac running Ventura (13.2).  The Mac software on the support site does not show up if you pick Ventura as the OS on your computer.  I have and it seems to mostly work but I am having a lot of problems.

I am currently testing with an EOS R5 with version 1.7 of the firmware.  I also have an EOS R5C that I plan to set up too if possible.

Here are a sampling of my problems:

I connect the R5 via USB-C to my laptop with the camera off, start EOS Network Setting Tool, then turn the camera on.  At that point, the Detected cameras says EOS R5.  But from this point, I can never get Save Settings to light up and load settings does not find the settings I have in the camera.  The MAC address agrees.  I've hit Initialize Settings once and it appears to have done nothing.  The window says Ver. (Build: 330).  The net is that this piece of software appears to not function at all other than creating a local file with the settings that you have entered.

I purchased a copy of FileZilla which is an FTP server (they also have a client).  I can get on another machine and ftp to a new user I call r5 with a password and it works.  Indeed, twice, I even connected via the camera. But it seems to take forever to connect -- again, on the order of 5 minutes.  I've yet to get images to transfer but I think I'm getting closer.  What is going on with the connecting part?  Why does it take so long?  Has anyone found ways to speed it up or make it more reliable?

Another problem is using EOS Utility 3, the settings are saved but they don't seem to take affect.  For example, in General, I ask it to just start downloading but... it doesn't.  It goes to the same startup screen as if nothing has changed.  Once... it decided to do what I had asked it to do but I have no idea what I did to get it to work.

There is also the option for "Direct Connect" and I can't seem to figure out the magic dance steps to get that working at all except that I need to use "EOS Utility" which connects and then tries to start "EOS Utility 3" but fails -- every time.

My current objective is to redo my current work flow.  Currently I remove the card(s) from the camera(s) and put them in a card reader.  I then Import them via Lightroom's import process.  One problem with this is LR does not import the Canon Raw Movies so the *.CRM files I have to move by hand.  The other problem is I am going to start recording the raw movies on the CF card and the MP4 versions on the SD card so now I will very likely need to process four cards.

It would be nice if I could just connect the camera via USB-C to my laptop and have the cards show up on my Desktop and then import them via LR and move the CRM files via a script.

So... all that to ask if anyone has gotten this stuff to work or has anyone discovered tricks to make it work more reliably?  Currently it is just way too slow to connect and way to flaky to be of any value to me at all.



First and foremost, the camera’s built-in Wi-Fi is not fully networkable.  Canon sells a battery grip adapter / accessory, WFT-R10A, that can make your camera more amenable to network protocols.

Question: Why are you connecting to the camera’s USB port to your laptop, and then attempting to use Ethernet protocols?  

The Network Protocol application that you are attempting to use is designed for use with the WFT-R10A battery grip / Wi-Fi adapter.  The EOS Utility 3 is designed for use through a connection with the USB port.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I'm not connecting via USB and then trying to use network protocols.  I am connecting via USB to use one or the other of Canon's apps.  But when trying to connect via FTP, the camera is not connected via USB to the laptop.

"The Network Protocol application that you are attempting to use is designed for use with the WFT-R10A battery grip / Wi-Fi adapter." -- that helps a great deal.  Thank you.  How did you figure this out?  Oh... wait just a second.  As I recall (I can go back and double check), when I'm in EOS Utility 3 and go to Camera Settings => Network, it closes and opens up the EOS Network Setting Tool.  Otherwise, I don't think I would have ever tried it.

I knew about the WiFi grip but, as I recall off the top of my head, it is $800.  And I would need two of them.  Plus, as I recall, the WiFi grip only has one battery or something odd like that.  Quote from a review: "it essentially divides the duties of the batteries into two, (yes it holds two batteries, one battery powers the camera (and only one) while the second only powers the WFT feature".  The reviews for the WiFi grip are pretty scathing.  For the R5C, I have the cheaper grip with two batteries to give me half decent battery life.

@pedz wrote:

I'm not connecting via USB and then trying to use network protocols.  I am connecting via USB to use one or the other of Canon's apps.  But when trying to connect via FTP, the camera is not connected via USB to the laptop..

.You cannot use both protocols, USB and Wi-Fi at the same time.  This should be readily apparent when you go into the camera menus to select which protocol you wish to use.  When you enable one protocol, the other protocol becomes grayed out.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Why do you think I am trying to use both at the same time?  This baffles me and happens consistently when I post.  Someone will misunderstand what I'm saying.

The original post is clear to me.  And the sentences you quote further clarify it.


Give Canon a call at 1-800-OK-CANON.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

I would if I thought it would help.

Is there a place where I can open bug reports?  I finally got EOS Utility 3 to so something.  But now I've discovered that the place that the R5C puts its videos is somewhere that the EOS Utility can't find.  I guess it just looks for a DCIM directory.  I don't know.  Anyhow, I'd like to document all the issues I've found and submit a bug report.  Any ideas of where / how to do that?

Thank you

