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EOS T3 JPEGs wont open in photo viewer software


I am a beginner photographer and purchased a Rebel EOS T3.  I am having a reoccuring issue where about half my JPEGs will not open in any software I try.  Even the Canon software will not open them.  I was experimenting with a faster shutter speed to shoot my daughter playing basketball, and I think the files that wont open are after I changed from my 200 zoom to 50 mm prime.  I would like to salvage the JPEGs, but if I can't, at least figure out what is going on because I am losing memories.  I may abandon the camera if I can't find an answer. Thanks



Can you see the photos on the LCD? That would verify they exist. If not it may be because your shutter speed was too fast to get a usable exposure & all you got is a black frame. Also there is a chance you've set the camera to shoot RAW (CR2 files) but that you haven't installed the needed software that opens them. 

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thanks for the reply.  No, I can't view them in the LCD either.  That is likely it.  I don't know what my ISO setting was....likely needed to be higher.  I will take practice shots next time and make sure they show up.  I did not know the camera didn't have an "idiot" setting that would stop the shutter if a JPEG couldn't be created.  This has made me learn a ton about this camera.  Thanks for the help!

......I had also forgotten about the different lighting settings for interior shots.  I will utilize those as well.

Too fast a shutter speed in low light = BLACK PHOTO. The manual is your friend but this may help too.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Here are three activities from daily life that require about the same time and effort to learn to do adequately:

a)  Driving a car.

b)  Using a computer well enough to do anything that isn't totally pre-canned.

c)  Using a moderately serious camera well enough to get better results than one would get with a low-end point & shoot.


Most people understand that a) belongs on the list, because some governmental jurisdiction requires them to take a test to prove that they've acquired the necessary skills. But a sizable percentage of the population don't realize that b) and c) are on the list and naïvely expect computers and cameras to be as easy to use as an electric can opener or a coffee maker. It ain't so and probably never will be. Sometimes the best advice one can give is "Get used to it."

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Well that wasn't it.  Just lost all photos from my daughters gymnastics meet.  The photos WERE on the LCD viewer, now they are unopenable JPEG files....just like before.  I have to shelve this camera until I find out what the hell is happening.  Any ideas?  I was shooting Tv. Shutter speed was initially 1/250, then 1/320. Iso started at 3200, but was too dark, so I upped to 6400.  I made SURE the photos were on LCD prior to taking photos of my daughter.....then they went away.  Any help is appreciated.

