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EOS Rebel T5 Trouble using AEB with flash


So I was in the middle of shooting a real estate listing AEB was working fine until I placed my speed light on camera to lighten a dark area. At that point, the settings in my camera bugged out. In adjusting the exposure range, I began seeing 2 lines on either side of the neutral exposure, instead of 1 to either side. Camera also, wouldn’t shoot the exposures consecutively I had to press the shutter manually. This was the first time attempting to use flash with AEB, so I’m not sure what happened. Anyone else experience this or know how to fix?



Welcome to the Canon Forums!

There are far too many unknowns about your shooting conditions to begin to offer an informed response to your questions.  Let’s start with what camera and lens were you using?  Have you ever tried to combine AEB with a flash before?  Tell us how to reproduce your issue.

What exposure settings were you using?  

What AEB settings were you using?

Were you using a tripod?  

How were you initiating the AEB sequence?

These questions are just a start.  Please add additional details that you feel are relevant.  Thanks, ahead of time.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I use a. t5. I always shoot AEB for real estate



I use an R5. Always shoot AEB for Real Estate. But this was the first time I had tried to incorporate a flash at any point. So prior to that, I’ve never had an issue. AEB is fine in my custom settings, but in Manual mode for some reason, everything is out of whack in terms of AEB. Of course I could always just use my C1-3 settings, but I’d rather figure out what causes the issue so I can fix it and for future reference 

I assume that you are actually using an R5, not a T5.  What about the other questions?  Tell us how to reproduce your issue.  Every detail helps.

Is it possible for you to post a bracketed image taken without the flash, but with the same camera settings?  We want to see the EXIF data.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

 Of course I could always just use my C1-3 settings, but I’d rather figure out what causes the issue so I can fix it and for future reference  “

I would love to help, instead of playing 20 Questions.  Last guess.  You are using the electronic shutter, instead of the mechanical shutter.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


According to the EOS R5 manual, and valid for most EOS cameras.

  • AEB is not available with flash photography
  • AEB will be automatically cancelled when the flash is fully charged



EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --