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EOS R busy/saving during Tether


Hi All


I have a strange situation where sometimes when I am connected to Lightroom or Capture One tethering a shoot, the Camera suddenly stops responding and I cannot take any more pictures. The light indicating activity/saving just above the delete button keeps flashing forever.  No other indiation what is going on. If I turn the camera OFF, I get the attached message on the screen:



It might be 1 image, 3 or 10 and more. I have been struggelig to understand why this is happening. The only way to stop it is to pull out the USB cable


I also tried today into Lightroom, when I got this error, using NO SDcard at all...still it happened


Anyone has encountered the same, and or know what the issue is?



I had a lengthy conversation with Tether Tools tech support after reading two articles on their website that blame the issue on the speed limiters built into the USB 3.0 ports on laptop computers. They suggested either the Tether Tools boost controller or using my USB-C port. Since the boost controller is out of stock, I purchased a Tether Tools USB-C cable and still encountered the same problem.... After shooting six images, tethering froze.

I then discovered that removing the memory cards from My 5D Mark IV resolved the issue. While this is a notorious problem for Nikon shooters, it seems to now be a problem for us Canon shooter as well.

View solution in original post

That never actually halp for me as you see in my original post. BesidesI prefer to shoot onto card AND tether at the same time

But what DID help was to simply buy a powered USB hub to place in between my laptop and camera. Since then no disconnection from Lightroom OR an busy message on the camera.

As you said, there seems to be some laptops which are not outputting enough power via USB, and that is a purposely added limitation from HP (in my case) I assume to help in other areas

Might be soething to think of for people who by a laptop specially for tethering - test it first

View solution in original post



How many consecutive images did you capture?  It appears to be saving more than image.  Perhaps, from a bust of images?


Also, if you using Lightroom, you can afford to shoot RAW and disable any and all in-camera Noise Reduction and Lens/Light correction settings.  Also, you try and see if a different USB cable, or a different USB port, makes any difference.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Well it was in portrait photoshoots sessions so it was never in burst mode. Max 1 pictures every 2 to 3 seconds

I am ofcourse shooting RAW only, and no in-camera noise reduction. Did use the Lense correction though, didnt notice, I will remove that and give it a go


It has  happened on different cables and ports. Both on USB-C to USCB-C 3.1 and USB-C to USB-B 3.0

So I did remove the in-camera lens correction, but I still got the same issues. But I think I have narrowed it down to the USB cable. When I tried with the 3 feed cable that came in the box with the EOS R, I have not had any dropped connection with the laptop/Lightroom.


However, since 3 feet is basically useless for tethering in a real studio session, does anyone have any recommendations, apart from Tether tools, for 10 feet or longer USB C cables which would work like Canon's own? On Canon shop I only found no longer than 5 feet


Or maybe there is a list of compatible cables somewhere?

Where is it saving the images?  Is it saving to the memory card, to the computer, or both?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

It is saving to both. BUT it also happened when I had no memory card in either.But it never happened when I was not tethering


In fact, as I wrote in my original post, it also happens in Capture One, and Capture and when tethering to Capture ONe, the imgaes are NOT stored on the SD card, even if it is in


So as my previeous comment prior to your, I think it is a cable problem

@vegaroyfoss wrote:

It is saving to both. BUT it also happened when I had no memory card in either.But it never happened when I was not tethering


In fact, as I wrote in my original post, it also happens in Capture One, and Capture and when tethering to Capture ONe, the imgaes are NOT stored on the SD card, even if it is in


So as my previeous comment prior to your, I think it is a cable problem

Okay, this means that the problem is not related to saving to the card.  Where is is saving files on your computer?  Is it saving to a local hard drive, meaning the one inside the computer?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Yes it is being saved on my internal SSD drive. And as mentioned before, it does not seem to happen when using the cable that came with the camera

So I might have figured out what the issue is. Since I dont have any issues tethering to my self bbuilt desktop, or to my 10 year old Toshiba laptop, the issues is for sure the HP ProBook 455 G7. I have of course disabled USB selective suspension unde rpower settings, and also disabled "Allow the compter to turn off this device to save poer" on the USB hubs in Device Manager


I found this product by Tethertools


WHere they describe the issue

"The core issue is that computer manufacturers, often in an attempt to be as efficient with power as possible, are either under-powering or dynamically-powering their USB 3.0 ports. These manufacturers are not currently considering the unique needs of photographers and this is causing these connectivity issues"


SO my question is...I know one should typically not tether through a HUSB HUB - but in this case - since this probably is about HP not giving enough power through the USB ports, would getting a USB  3.0 HUB with an external power cable be any help? I can always get the Tetherbost, but if the HUB would work, I could also use it for other things as an added bonus




I had a lengthy conversation with Tether Tools tech support after reading two articles on their website that blame the issue on the speed limiters built into the USB 3.0 ports on laptop computers. They suggested either the Tether Tools boost controller or using my USB-C port. Since the boost controller is out of stock, I purchased a Tether Tools USB-C cable and still encountered the same problem.... After shooting six images, tethering froze.

I then discovered that removing the memory cards from My 5D Mark IV resolved the issue. While this is a notorious problem for Nikon shooters, it seems to now be a problem for us Canon shooter as well.
