Canon SL3 and T5 - Overexposing When Shooting From Viewfinder In Auto Modes


Hello Canon Community!

I'm having some trouble with my DSLRs. 

I've noticed BOTH my Canon SL3 and T5 are both overexposing images when shooting from the viewfinder vs. the Live View, when shooting in auto modes. 

The issue stems from shutter speeds; in AUTO, Program AE, and in Apeture Priority AE, the cameras will always choose a faster shutter speed when using the Live View than when using the viewfinder.

For example, in Program AE mode, when viewing in through the viewfinder, the Camera will choose a 1/6th shutter speed. The exposure meter shows dead center. When immediately switching to Live View, the Camera will choose a 1/10th shutter speed. The exposure meter shows dead center. 

No other exposure settings are changed, and the resulting images are often significant different, with the viewfinder images almost being unusable due to overexposure. 

This issue does not persist in full Manual, or in Shutter Priority mode. When using Shutter Priority, the camera chooses to use the same ISO and Apeture in both shooting methods, and the exposure meter reads dead center in either mode...

I know the cameras use separate metering techniques depending on if you're in Live View or not, but if one of those sensors is off, wouldn't the exposure meter values be off in the Manual or Shutter Priority modes...?


Really confused as to what I'm missing. I know I should be shooting full manual anyways, but it's frustrating when I want to shoot auto to be limited to using the Live View only...


Thanks for any help!



I also think it'd worth stressing this is an identical issue across two separate cameras. If it's a malfunction in the metering, it's very odd to me that two completely unrelated cameras should malfunction in an identical way. I am using separate lenses on each camera as well.


Are you using a Canon lens or a 3rd Party lens. Stick to a Canon lens and see what happens.

Bodies: EOS 5D Mark IV
Lenses: EF Trinity, EF 85mm F/1.8 USM
Retired Gear: EOS 40D, EF 50mm F/1.8 STM & EF 70-210mm F/4
Speedlites: 420EX, 470EX-AI, 550EX & 600EX II-RT

I'm using the basic kit lense that came with each camera:(

What happens if you switch the lenses between cameras. Is every shot overexposed. Where are you taking shots at. It could be rapid flickering of lights. LED and incandescent bulbs flicker faster than we can see. This is noticeable under artificial lighting.

Bodies: EOS 5D Mark IV
Lenses: EF Trinity, EF 85mm F/1.8 USM
Retired Gear: EOS 40D, EF 50mm F/1.8 STM & EF 70-210mm F/4
Speedlites: 420EX, 470EX-AI, 550EX & 600EX II-RT

Switching lenses has no effect unfortunately. And yes, every shot, sometimes only by a little, sometimes  a lot. I've noticed it outside and inside, but I really noticed it a lot last night inside while trying take some photos of my aquaria, all the fish were completely blown out when shooting through the viewfinder but fine in Live Liew. That was under artifical aquarium lights. 


In my testing to nail down the issue, I'm able to take a photo through the viewfinder, immediately hit the Live view button, and capture another photo within half a second. Each time both cameras choose a much faster (and appropriate) shutter speed with live view. 

Are you using an external flash between both cameras. Your lens may not always be stopping down. Use Av Mode and set the Aperture to something small like F/11 or F/16. Then press the depth of field preview button. The viewfinder Should significantly darken. Also please post some pictures in the forum too. So other forum users can better assist you.

Bodies: EOS 5D Mark IV
Lenses: EF Trinity, EF 85mm F/1.8 USM
Retired Gear: EOS 40D, EF 50mm F/1.8 STM & EF 70-210mm F/4
Speedlites: 420EX, 470EX-AI, 550EX & 600EX II-RT

 No external flash. I will test with AV mode, and report back, but it will be later today.


As far as photos, all I really have is the attached, very poor, photos. I just wanted to see how much the settings were changing in Auto in one mode to the next, so I took some photos of my controller in my lap, in my darkened living room.

The photo on the left is from Live View. You can see that the camera chose a 1/40 shutter speed. This image looks *exactly* like the dimly lit controller did in real life. The left photo was taken immediately after, using the viewfinder. The camera selected 1/25 shutter speed, which made the controller look significantly brighter than in real life.


Obviously these are extremely poor photos, and I can take some better ones later if it would help. But I noticed this issue late at night and started fumbling around with it long after the sun had set!


Thanks for your help so far:)


Whenever something like this happens the best next step is to reset the camera(s) back to Canon default settings.

Menus>Tools>Clear all settings and also Clear all custom settings. This puts you back to square one a basic start up. Now try and see if it still happens. Next a brand new SD card forma a top manufacturer. Make sure the batteries are fully charged.

It is unlikely that two cameras would exhibit a problem that is identical so user error is a high probability. Do the reset and see what happens. In case it doesn't help you may need Canon to service the camera(s). 1 (800) 652-2666

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Yeah I definitely feel like I'm missing a setting, or something? But as far as I can tell there is extremely limited settings the user can change when shooting in Full Auto? I'll do a factory reset of the camera and report back for sure. I have been using brand new SD cards from SanDisk.

I got the SL3 second hand, so I figured maybe the previous owner had simply broken something, or set something incorrectly. When I tested my T5 to compare (which I've had since new) and saw the same issue, I was very confused!

Thanks for the reply 
