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Canon R5 freeze after 1.5.1 update


Hi Canon,

After installing firmware 1.5, I was having my R5 freeze regularly with animal eye autofocus mapped to back button focus. I installed firmware update 1.5.1 this weekend hoping it will fix the issue. I went out today to shooting some shore birds. My R5 locked up 3 times in a period of 1.5 hours of shooting, one of the three was was with error E70. In all three cases, turning the camera off/on fixed the issue; this is different from firmware 1.5 freezes, where I had to take out the battery to fix the freeze. 

Please let me know if you need more information about the camera settings. I happy to share them. 

Regards, Mo


I'm quite nervous about installing this update. I'm not afraid it is going to damage the camera, but my fear is that there will be no improvement for all my freezing issues and that would be disappointing. I so want this camera to work properly. I hope others who have had the issue and decided to install 1.5.2 will give a report.   I probably will go ahead and do the install and what is, is. If it is still a problem, my last resort will be to send it in to Canon to see if anything can be done. 


I installed the update and went out and took a couple thousand images with the 100 to 500 with the configuration that was freezing on me earlier today... Using all manner of back button animal eye focus, electronic and manual shutter. Held electronic shutter a bunch of times till the buffer filled and NO FREEZE ups so fingers crossed this helped. 

Thank you for the update. I'm going to download and install and hope for the best.

That's GREAT news!! I've downloaded and installed but not gone out to test. After getting your report, I am super encouraged and hopeful that this will do the trick. 

Same here. I will try it later today or tomorrow, and report back. 


I went out today with my R5 (firmware 1.5.2) + RF 100-500, shot for two hours. No freeze what so ever, and tracking seems better than before. 

If you had this freezing problem with 1.5 or 1.5.1, I recommend trying out this update. 

Thank you Canon!

I've been out with the R5 and the 100-500 after the 1.5.2 update. I had no issue, no freezes. However, my main issue was with the 1.4x extender. I haven't tried it with the extender yet. I might have to be brave and try the extender, but I've been very happy with 1.5.2 so far. And, I had many freezes prior. 

So far so good with the 1.5.2 update. 1000 shots and no lockups.
R5 + 100-500 lens with and without the 1.4TC
Fingers crossed



Have any of you downloaded the update 1.5.2 yet?  If so, did it solve your issues?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Have installed 1.5.2 still get freezes 😞

eye detection autofocus is significantly better
