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Canon EOS M50 as Webcam via Camlink


So I own the M50 and wanted to use it as a webcam. I previously used the Canon Webcam Utility but the resolution is not that great so I bought the Aokeou HDMI Capture Card, because I saw it in a few videos that it is pretty good and it is pretty cheap. 


Now the Problem:

When I plug it in with the Micro-HDMI to HDMI cable to the Capture Card into the PC I get a picture for like 20 seconds and then it turns into this rainbow colored picture with these vertical lines like the no signal picture, but I don't know why this happens and how I can get rid of it. So I would be glad if someone can help me. Thanks


Canon EOS M50

Aokeou HDMI capture card



Edit: Sometimes like right now it works but I would like to know if there are some things I need to do in order to have it work all the time, for example I plug in the HDMI and the normal micro USB cable at the same time and now it works and beforehand it would shut off the recieved SIgnal fron the M50 



What happens when you plug it into a regular monitor, like a TV?

well then I can watch my pictures and videos on my monitor and nothing else or what do you mean with that ? I also can use it as a live monitor for the camera but then it doesnt have anything to do with my PC anymore.

@Nils2112 wrote:

well then I can watch my pictures and videos on my monitor and nothing else or what do you mean with that ? I also can use it as a live monitor for the camera but then it doesnt have anything to do with my PC anymore.

Actually, if you can get a clean uninterrupted signal on a TV, then the problem is your PC, not the camera.  The most likely guilty party is your HDMI capture device.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

hm well I just bought it 2 days ago and I saw it working in a few videos so I don't know why it is how it is