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Add C1-C3 Custom video settings on R6 PLEASE!!!!


So I just got my R6 and I figured this would have been an easy thing to change, seeing as the option is greyed out in the settings. How can we get the attention of canon to change the R6 so that I can use the C-modes as custom video profiles? This is a very annoying thing to have to deal with coming from the EOS R. to be more specific, I want to be able to set C1 to 4k24, C2 to 4k60, or C3 to 1080p120, but you can only set custom shooting modes. A very frustrating decision by canon


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi dfran1992,


Thanks for checking in with us, and we appreciate your feedback about the custom settings on the EOS R.


I can see how it would be helpful to be able to save different video presets, so I will be glad to pass along your comments to our development team.


Please keep in mind that decisions to include a particular camera feature are made by our engineers and product designers in Japan, based on a number of factors. Consumer demand, technological limitations, and customer feedback are some of the factors that we consider.


We are always looking to improve the camera equipment we offer, so we are grateful for your feedback. While we aren't able to implement every suggestion, we do take them into consideration.

"Please keep in mind that decisions to include a particular camera feature are made by our engineers and product designers in Japan, based on a number of factors. Consumer demand, technological limitations, and customer feedback are some of the factors that we consider."


You said something that struck me. "Consumer demand, technological limitations, and customer feedback..." This hurts me as a consumer and the company as a business. I know for a fact that the feature was held back from the camera. How, you might ask? I can literally add the setting to the custom menu and it is greyed out. So tech limitations is not the reason, I am sure I am not the only one who wants this feature to be added. This is absolutely the best camera for a LOT of people, who are selling that camera for another just because of that reason. There are several videos on youtube addressing this issue and I figured after waiting this long to get it, it would be changed. Please do your best to have them change this feature. I had instant regret when I bought this camera and realized I couldn't set the video modes to C1-C3. I would hate to have to return this camera, but I will if I must.


The guys at DPReview did a video talking about this

This guy from a smaller channel made a video specifically about this issue


I feel this so much. Soooo irritating. It’s the cripple hammers like this that have me leaving canon for Sony. These are hybrid cameras. Allow us to use them as such. 

Absolutely agree with this. 


Please Canon, is there a chance of fixing an absence of C1..C3 custom modes for video on R6?

This doesn't seem like a difficult task to approach from a software engineering perspective. For sure I don't know Canon OS caveats, but at a high level a design could be as follows:

1) When in Video mode - set whatever video settings are available and then (as in EOS R) go to: Menu -> Setup (wrench) -> Custom Shooting mode (C1-C3) -> Register settings -> Custom shooting mode C1 (or C2 or C3).

2) When in C1-C3 modes - when pressing a Video Record button (with red dot) - apply the video settings saved for those C1-C3 modes and begin a recording.

Even without the ability to modify those video settings when in C1-C3, it's a huge UX improvement (unless it's deemed as a higher tier cameras feature). I can't imagine why this can't be added as a software update other than it's forbidden for marketing reasons (push users to upgrade to higher tier cameras).

There are a number of reasons I like my R6, not the least of which is two SD slots. However,  inability to set custom video modes as you can in the R, R5 and R7 really aggravates me.  I use the camera to shoot video of my wife playing tennis and it would be really helpful to be able to set C1 at 120, C2 at 24 or 30. then she can analyze her serve or playmaking in detail with slow motion and have some real time video as well. Itappears that I’m not the only one seeking what has to be an easy firmware fix. Since the Canon response to a twelve month old request on this same issue was that the decision is made by engineers in Japan based on owner interest, I joined the canon community to let my voice be heard. I am dedicated to Canon and have been shooting with their cameras since my AE-1 in high school. I’ve gone from film to digital to mirrorless and hope that “the engineers” can find it in their hearts to make this firmware upgrade for those of us who are non-professional dedicated amateurs who have demonstrated brand loyalty over the years.


I would like to add my voice to this issue as well. Doing as much on the go filming as I do, custom video profiles is something that I really miss having since I switched from my GH5. I would love for Canon to add support for custom video profiles. It is frustrating that the R6 is one of the only R models that can't do this as high end as it is in the Canon lineup.

We as consumers need to have the ability to use our products as comfortably as we can, especially when we are paying a price this high like an EOS R6 Camera.

This issue could easily be solved by a simple firmware update, we need these video custom functions for the R6, it could save us a lot if time and we would be pleased with the service that Canon provide.

It is indeed a great camera but Canon (and all camera manufacturers) should stop using minor "inexplicable - no one would have thought issues" for marketing purposes. These are really fundamentally disappointing mistakes which are in need of a solution ASAP.
