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Wide Angle Lens Recommendations for EOS Rebel T5i


Hi all,

This is my first post here. I am a complete photography newbie. I am learning a ton though. I am picking up a Canon T5i tomorrow and I am wanting to get a wide angle lens for it.

The camera will come with the kit 18-55mm lens and the 50mm f1.8 lens, I believe that is what is referred to as the "fifty fifty" lens. Seems to be a popular lens for this camera.

Im also wanting to pickup a wide angle lens for this camera and I am looking for suggestions. Googling can only get me so far informationally, but I am looking for practical experience from the think tank! I appreciate all of the feedback and I look forward to learning as much as I can!


Maybe it's just in the way people handle their gear, and/or how carefully vs. rough they are mounting and unmounting lenses.  I know that I am not a casual user, my gear gets used a LOT every single week.  I just find it odd that the three lenses I have with plastic mounts, one that I've owned for 31 years (and I can't even guess how many times either myself, or my wife has put this lens on various bodies and taken back off) yet none of them seem worn.  I will admit that I do baby my camera gear.  Maybe that's part of the reason.  

I guess I just don't see the reason to steer people away from these, especially a casual user, considering I've used the oldest of these lenses more than the average photographer would in a lifetime, and there are no problems with it. 


Between Digital and Film, current number of working cameras is at 27.
Addiction is a horrible thing.


Good logical and reasonable answer. 😊

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.


I couldn't agree with you more!




@jrhoffman75 wrote:

Welcome to the forum. It's the "nifty fifty" - inexpensive but very good lens. In the "old" film days the 50mm lens commonly came with the cameras.

The 10-22 lens is good. There is also a 10-18mm lens. It is plastic mount. Not as durable as a metal mount but would take a lot of use to wear it out.

The reason why I brought up the question of a plastic mount is because I believed the STM versions of the lenses used a metal mount.  The T5i came with the STM version of the lens, too.  

The “fantastic plastic” 50mm f/1.8 is an older lens.  I suspect the used gear is overpriced.  The used plastic mounts need to be inspected for damage, too.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"Not as durable as a metal mount but would take a lot of use to wear it out."

Absolutely not a concern for the armature photographer.

"The camera will come with the kit 18-55mm lens..."

You know that is a WA lens anything under about 30mm on a T5i will be considered WA. A 10-22mm or10-18mm is considered a UWA  (ultra wide angle) lens.

The plastic mounts should absolutely be a concern.  They need to be visually inspected for damage.  I asked about them because I suspect the used lenses are OLD,  The asking price could be too high or the gear could be worn.

I also suspect that a little lens swapping may have taken place.  The T5i camera kits included the newer STM version of the 18-55mm.


"Enjoying photography since 1972."


"The plastic mounts should absolutely be a concern."

On the list of what to be concerned about most, this is near the bottom.

" I just find it odd that the three lenses I have with plastic mounts, one that I've owned for 31 years (and I can't even guess how many times either myself, or my wife has put this lens on various bodies and taken back off) yet none of them seem worn."

I don't have any myself but I have been involved with lots of folks that do have these lenses and there seems to be no issue expect in the minds of a few photography elitist.

"They need to be visually inspected for damage.  I asked about them because I suspect the used lenses are OLD, ..."

Absolutely, even to the point of trying them on the OP's camera first.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

“ I don't have any myself but I have been involved with lots of folks that do have these lenses and there seems to be no issue expect in the minds of a few photography elitist. “

You’re talking about professionals, not some random party selling used from a so far undisclosed source.  I am less concerned about future damage than I am over existing damage. I’ve seen people find a way to damage them. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


" I’ve seen people find a way to damage them."

Great point and why trying before you lay your money down is good advice. Buying used you never know how the item was used or abused. My point and I believe Gary's point is under normal and average use the plastic mount is not an issue.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.