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my canon mx892 will not print because of error U052.


our canon mx892 will not print due to error U052.  i followed all of the suggested steps for this problem related to an MX700 but it did not correct the problem. now what?



I have tried all of the steps listed in previous posts and nothing has helped.  Any other suggestions?  (Besides purchasing another brand of printer?)

Is there any real solution to this problem or should I look at another printer company for better support

That's a great tip! Unfortunately, this didn't work for mine. Back to square one.

I have done all of the above and still will not allow me to access the pringer.

tried and did not work

I Joe Sang in Geelong Victoria Australia have a MX 715 Cannon printer, after years of trouble free use suddenly today 16/11/17 it stopped, up came the error message U052. I do not have a compatable print head,  I have tried the suggested solutions 3 times and they do not work.   The printer is now useless, thanks Cannon I guess you ppeople say it is PAST IT'S USE BY DATE AND HAVE TO BUY ANOTHER.      WELL  GUESS WHAT  it won't be a bloody cannon, If all you can offer the hundreds of users that ahve had the same problem WHY arn't  your engineers providing a solution that is credible instead of the useless procedure that you suggest,   HOW CAN ONE BE USING THE PRINTER AND THEN LOSE THE PRINTER HEAD    COME ON PEOPLE HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK ALL THE USERS ARE THAT HAVE THE SAME  ISSUE.


Joe Sang  

Thank You... B

Good info. Hey, Whats this about a class action lawsuit ? 

Good Info. Thanx. At Least SOMEBODY has some info. other than what canon or non-techies know... Not that the non techies info wasnt good too...

Can a Brother get an AMEN !!!

If You are a So called EXPERTS, then Why Don"t You or One of your Homies  give People The Fix, that Costs in the Vicinity of around $200+ ? I Mean, even if they TRY it and it DON'T work, at least You, CANON, Can  say you TRIED to make Right on this Bogus Machine and  INSULTING These Good Folks With Your USELESS  "FIXES"...Even the People that are talking about switching to a BROTHER Product would have to Appreciate THAT effort... Out of ALL these People that have the same problem and have Written to you about it, I've only seen , what ?  2... MAYBE 3 of you people with even a BOGUS FIX to offer...Oh, I get it... You've Made Enough $$$ for You n Yours For SEVERAL Generations to come and Dont give a Tinkers **bleep** about your Loyal customers...I Apologize if this seems to be Directed at any ONE Tech. Its not Meant to Be, But at the Ones sittin atop The BIG CANON Building with Stacks of Cash, and Little Care about the people that Gave them those hard earned Dollars of theirs... Guess Im Glad to see SOMEONE is Gettin Paid... Do Whats RIGHT People... If its faulty wireing or whatever, OWN IT, and Give People Back their Money... Put out the REAL Fix to the Problem... Or do SOMETHING that Would actually HELP us NOT SO WEALTHY Folks fix our Machines... PLEASE ...
