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mx 922 restart


My mx 922 has to be restarted nearly everytime I want to use it.  Any time the computer sleeps (like overnight) the next time I want to print, it won't unless I restart printer.  


Rising Star

Hi thehib,


Is the printer being used wirelessly?  If so, the next time it happens, I would like you to try unplugging your router from the power and plugging it back in and let us know if that fixes the issue, even if only temporarily.

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I have the same problem (my printer won't respond after "going to sleep" at night).  Every morning I need to turn off the printer and turn it back on again to restore the network connection.


I tried power cycling the router, AND THIS WORKS!  Why????   What can I do so I don't need to recycle the printer or the router every morning???


My printer is configured wirelessly and works great once a connection is restored.

...still have this problem.  Does anyone else have the same issue?  I need to restart my printer every morning (and it is brand new out of the box).

Hi dmwilson34,


With some routers, if activity is not detected on a device after a set period of time, the device will be removed from the routing table. When the printer enters standby, it also enables discontinuous reception to save power. This might cause the printer to be disconnected from the router when you attempt to print again.


To disable this feature:

  1. Select Setup on your printer's operation panel
  2. Select Device Settings
  3. Select  LAN Settings
  4. Select Other settings
  5. And then Wireless LAN DRX setting
  6. Set this option to Disabled


If the device is still disconnected after a long period of inactivity, I recommend contacting your router manufacturer for some additional options or settings you can change within the router itself.

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I have this same issue with my MX922.  I have tried both wired and wireless configurations, with both the Wireless DRX and Wired DRX settings turned off.


I have to power off/on the printer to get it to become visible on the network.  It is currently in the wired configuration, connected directly to the router.  After I powered the printer back on I verified its IP address in my router's DHCP table.  I then started pinging that IP address every five minutes.  It responds to the ping request until about 20 minutes after restart.  Then the ping requests get no reply.  But the IP address remains visible when I refresh my router's DHCP table.  In fact, it continues to refresh its IP address once per minute.  I confirmed that the wired and wireless DRX settings were "disabled."


My home network has two Linksys wireless routers on separate floors, which are wired together so that the second router acts only as an access point (has its DHCP disabled).


Please let me know what I should try next to reslove this issue.


i have tried this. will know tomorrow.


I am tired of Canon blaming the ISP or the router.  Everyone on this thread is using a different ISP/router - only common thread is the printer.  Turning the printer on/off doesn't work, changing DRX settings doesn't work, resettign the router of course doesn't work, turning off firewall to see if that is the issue (as instructed by Canon customer care phone rep) doesn't work..  The only thing that works is uninstalling then reinstalling the drivers.  What a pain.  I wish I could return the printer and be done with Canon.  Hey Canon - want to offer a solution that works or allow me to send it back to you and you replace it with one that actually stays connected and works?  At this point, I wouldn't recommend this printer or Canon to anyone. I'll gladly retract this if Canon steps up in a timely manner and comes up with a permanent solution.

Mi Mikec4!


Thank you for reaching out to us!

We completely understand that everyone is using a different ISP and router. That is part of what could be causing the issue, because of the different software on the routers and security protocols required by ISPs, we can't control when the ports that your printer needs to stay open are closed by your router. 

There is a list of ports that the printer needs to be active in order to stay connected to the network HERE

If that doesn't help resolve the issue, you might try assigning the printer a static IP address. Because we're not sure why your printer is being kicked off of your network, we don't know exactly how to instruct you to to fix the issue other than these suggestions, and getting in touch with the manufacturer of your router who might be able to offer solutions as to what might be causing things to drop off of the network. In some instances, the company you'd reach out to for support on your router is your ISP. 

Been through all that with Verizon.  Everything is fine and nothing has changed on their end.  It's a Canon problem and clearly, Canon doesn't know how to fix it as they won't even accept responsibility for it.  I spent an hour on the phone with Canon support and the only bright spot was support was in the USA. I spent 45 minutes with Verizon and as expected, all was fine on their end - every other non-Canon device/peripherlal works fine and stays connected, including my daughters HP.  I shouldda got one of those as well.
