DMWIlson34: I agree - when the printer works, it is awesome. Quality is great and ink is comparatively inexpensive. Problem is when used wirelessly, it is practically useless - just a big paper weight
Canon - Issue still exists - nothing you suggest works and it is NOT my router. Wasted another 40 minutes last night with Verizon and all is fine, nothing being restricted. How about you step up and replace this piece of junk? It's less than a yea...
Been through all that with Verizon. Everything is fine and nothing has changed on their end. It's a Canon problem and clearly, Canon doesn't know how to fix it as they won't even accept responsibility for it. I spent an hour on the phone with Cano...
I am tired of Canon blaming the ISP or the router. Everyone on this thread is using a different ISP/router - only common thread is the printer. Turning the printer on/off doesn't work, changing DRX settings doesn't work, resettign the router of cou...
I am tired of Canon blaming the ISP or the router. Everyone on this thread is using a different ISP/router - only common thread is the printer. Turning the printer on/off doesn't work, changing DRX settings doesn't work, resettign the router of cou...