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installing pixma mx850 on a windows 8 machine


I'm installing a PIXMA MX850 onto a laptop with Windows 8. Installation disk doesn't work. I've downloaded the drivers and software, but I need to know how to do the installation - e.g. which file do I run first? NON-techie here. Thanks.




Double check to make sure that the USB cable is connected to the correct port on the back of the MX850.  It is possible to conenct a USB cable into the phone jacks or ethernet port if seated just right.


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First, you should know what version of windows 8 is your computer. Pls check this relative video:

Once you already know the windows 8 version, use this information to select the correct printer driver to install in your computer. Use the installation DVD / CD and follow the instructions carefully.

Happiness for your Printer