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U052 Printhead Problem MX870


Stopped printing while in the middle of a big job with full ink tanks, then when turned back on, gave the dreaded U052 print head error message.  I have tried everything given by Canon to re-start the printer, nothing works.


It dawns on me that maybe my ink tank stopped feeding ink despite the tank being full- the vent hole might not have been open all the way to allow ink to pass through.


I'm wondering whether this could somehow mess up the printhead, maybe it needs ink to keep it cool during operation or something??


It's completely aggravating that it stopped as it has and now that prevents even the scanner or fax from working-- this seems like a bad design.


Does anyone know whether the print head can be messed up if the tank stops feeding ink while in the middle of a print job?


Thanks!  And if you know that answer, then what do you do to get printer working again??




Accepted Solutions

This "solution" DOES NOT WORK.  I have tried it 15 times, the printer still comes up with that same error message.


What's worse, it DISABLES THE ENTIRE PRINTER -- I can't use any other function.  I have been left high and dry because I have desperately needed to send scanned contracts out and there is no way to do it.  I have had to rely on my partner to send me photos of the contracts so I can continue with business.... Canon has produced a terrible product because a simple failure puts the entire machine out of service, not just the failed print head mechanism.  Horrible design, terrible software or hardware installed control system. 


You even told me that purchasing a new print head won't fix the crazy thing.  Who the heck designed this crazy piece of junk?


How do I get it it replaced or repaired?   Moderator Note:  Removed personal phone number per forum guidelines.

View solution in original post


Product Expert
Product Expert

Please try the following to see if we can resolve your issue:


1.  Open the cover of the printer.

2.  Remove all ink tanks from the printer.

3.  Lift up the gray locking lever on the side of the ink tank holder.

4.  Gently remove the print head from the carriage unit.

5.  Place the print head back in and lock the lever down.

6.  Place all of the ink tanks back in the printer.

7.  Close the cover and turn the printer off.

8.  Unplug the power from the printer.  Leave the power unplugged for about 5-10 minutes.


Plug the power back in and turn the printer on.  If the error persists, please contact our support group using the link below for additional assistance.

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

This "solution" DOES NOT WORK.  I have tried it 15 times, the printer still comes up with that same error message.


What's worse, it DISABLES THE ENTIRE PRINTER -- I can't use any other function.  I have been left high and dry because I have desperately needed to send scanned contracts out and there is no way to do it.  I have had to rely on my partner to send me photos of the contracts so I can continue with business.... Canon has produced a terrible product because a simple failure puts the entire machine out of service, not just the failed print head mechanism.  Horrible design, terrible software or hardware installed control system. 


You even told me that purchasing a new print head won't fix the crazy thing.  Who the heck designed this crazy piece of junk?


How do I get it it replaced or repaired?   Moderator Note:  Removed personal phone number per forum guidelines.

Hi chdevers,


Your service options will vary on a few factors, but we'll be glad to help!  Please drop us a line through this link to get the process started: Contact Us


Thanks so much!


OK, I received your e-mail and need to

















OK, line is now dropped!  What do I do to get this started?



Hi chdevers,


Please click on the "Contact Us" link in the previous post.  You'll be redirected to a page where you can email our techs directly.  We'll need to provide you with your service options from there since we're going to need some personal information.  Thanks so much!

I tried this on my mx860 and no results. This seems to be a problem that occurs on all Pixma printers at some time. Why hasn't Canon owned up to this problem, with no reasonable solution and recall these printers to a local dealer for a software update or firmware update. Apparently Canon and other inkjet printer manufacturers like these unfixable problems so that they can sell more printers.


Canon is not coming forward with an answer, so just return this printer and buy a HP printer. Make sure never buy a canon printer hereafter.

The reason I bought a Canon is because the HP's I had in the past all failed.

This solution worked for me, after my printer was jostled (picked up and turned 90 degrees, then set down) and then began showing this error. I had never had the error before this, although the printer has been moved/jostled MANY times. It is old, and the print head will probably die soon. However, this worked. I made sure to turn the power off RIGHT AWAY after closing the lide, before the printer was able to process its way back to an error. This will probably not work if the print head really is dead. Another idea is to make sure the contacts are clean - you can search on the internet for detailed instructions on how to do that.

