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System hangs when using Toolbox to scan mf4350d: Windows 8.1


I have been having trouble with my Canon mf4350d. It used to work with no problems prior to upgrade to Windows 8 then 8.1. Printing and faxing work fine, but when I try to scan, the Toolbox program hangs, dims out on the screen and says Not Responding. It's as if the Toolbox program does not work in Windows 8.x. When I remove and reload the drivers and Toolbox software, it works again for the first time but then will not work the second time. Any ideas on how I can fix this? I need a scanner that works all the time.


@alwayssummer wrote:

Seems to have worked for my MF4150. Thanks!

 Whoops. Take that back. It worked one time, like so many other users here.


@pantherjad wrote:

After following the recommendations from Canon to uninstall/reinstall the problem it was only fixed for a short time. A few days later the same problem reappeared where the MF Toolbox program for scanning would hang. This solution by Captret to adjust the properties/settings for WIA fixed my problem too. Thank you! Hopefully it stays fixed.

It only worked one time for me too. After I tried everything recommended here I just downgraded to an older version and then everything worked fine. I happened to have an old one on my hard drive because I never delete anything. If you can get ahold of an older driver, give that a try.

Hello Patrice,


I have gone through all the steps and the toolbox has stopped hanging.

But, now it says that a supported scanner is not installed?


Please help.  There has to be an easier way, this is such a nightmare!

Excellent advice captret, it has revived my scanner that had not survived the upgrade to Windows 8.1. Hopefully it still works tomorrow and ever after...

When I try to scan wirelessly to my Win7 laptop, the MF Toolbox panel will appear but the 8 icons are missing their text descriptions and the panel hangs!!!  

I have no problem if I launch the panel first and then trigger the scan from the laptop, but this means that I have to carry the laptop to the scanner (very inconvient).  It used to work correctly but I've had no luck for serveral months.  I've uninstalled and re-installed the drivers, toolbox, and 'Canon MF Network scan utility'.

Very aggravating!!

I have had this problem since upgrading my computer to a new machine that uses Windows 8.1. I worked my way up the Canon Tech Support ladder to a fairly high level. That gentleman told me this is a known and unsolveable issue with some models of Canon, including the mf4350d. I put in the fix, and it works for a varying length of time, then again fails to work. Reloading the latest drivers does not fix this. It always happens following a Windows update, but other updates affect this as well.

Here is the fix:


Printer reset if not recognized or software fails to open:  

Turn power off, pull power cable. Turn on


Scanner reset if software fails to open: 

Open Task Manager and End Task the Canon software.

Windows key plus X key simultaneously

Computer management

Double click Services and Applications

Double click Services

Scroll to Windows Image Acquisition. Right click. Click Stop. This will take several minutes to complete.

If it tells you it failed, leave the screen and the scanner will work anyway. If it succeeds in stopping the service, Right click and click Start. 


This sequence works every time. I need to do it about every 3-5 weeks.

No luck with starting and stopping the WIA service.  

It's very strange that when scanning from the Canon, it will 'launch' the MF Toolkit panel on my PC, but the panel is incomplete.  

If I launch the MF Toolkit first, I can easily trigger a wireless scan from the PC, but if I leave the panel running and then try to trigger the scan from the Canon, the panel icons will disappear (or the text disappears) and the panel will hang.

At least I can scan wirelessly if I trigger the scan from my laptop, but it's a P.I.T.A.

I had several thousand album pictures to scan, so I ended up using a USB cable and this allowed me to scan from the Canon control panel.

I may have stumbled on a solution, because remote scanning is now working fine.  My system was experiencing some major delays and lock-ups, so I was performing all types of checks and resets (ultimately it was a faultly SSD).  

I had performed a reset command "netsh winsock reset" (from the command line) and I believe this is the only network related change that could be responsible.  I'd say give it a try.


I have similar problem with Canon scanner LIDE 100. Using MP Navigator EX program from Canon I can scan once and when I scan for the second time the program hangs. Canon service told me finally that this is the Windows issue and registry entries but they cannot help ofically with this topic. They adviced me to find good computer scientist to properly configure the following registry entries:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\StillImage\Registered Applications



I don't know how to do it

Thanks mbps,


I was having the same issue and the "netsh winsock reset" solved the problem for me. Even if the same problem shows up again, this is such an easy fix, I am not worried about i8t.


Thanks Again

Hate to necro an old thread, but figure this might help if anyone else runs across this.  Seems to be an issue in both windows 8 and 10.  


Go in to the meu on the actual machine (not the software), timer settings, auto sleep, then turn it off.  Granted, your machine won't go to sleep any more, but you won't have to keep uninstalling/reinstalling or change a bunch of settings.
