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Pixma mg6620 prints multiple pages and I can't seem to register the printer...


I just got this printer from amazon, and I must say, I have had other canon printers and this is the worst printer I have owned...  I hate it.... but anyway, when I go to print two (2) copies it prints 4 copies, when I want to print three copies it printed 9 copies, what am I doing wrong?   Also I have tried to register my printer a couple times and it keeps telling me, I am not online.  HELP!!!


Product Expert
Product Expert



Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers may help with this issue.  Please uninstall the current divers, then visit our website at the following link to download the latest drivers for the unit.


MG6600 seres Drivers & Software


If you continue to have difficulties, find more help at Contact Us.



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