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Pixma MX 892 Won't Turn On


My Pixma MX892, which I would guess is a little over a year old, has suddenly stopped working.  I was able to print just two days ago, but now the unit will not turn on at all.  Yes it is plugged in and yes the cord is connected to the unit.  It simply won't start no matter how many times the power button is pushed or how long it is held down.  Is this a known issue and what might be a way to fix this problem?

218 REPLIES 218

Canon needs to quit screwing over their customers and fix this issue by repairing or replacing the printer at their cost. Its no coincidence that we are all experiencing sudden and complete failures. Canon's solution is to offer you a "discount" on another model directly through Canon when in fact you can buy the same printer at a local retailer for less than the discounted Canon price.


CHACHING!!!!!! They jsut made more money and screwed over another customer again. Good job Canon thats a stand up business there. 


Look back in the posts and you will see people posting and commenting that the offer Canon gave them for a repalcement printer that was supposedly discounted through Canon cost more than buying the same model at a local retailer.


If you don't stand up and demand resolution it will never happen. Canon you need to fix these worthless printers and make this situation right!


Nice I just tried using the spell check on this post and it didn't work just like my Canon printer doesn't work.







Day before yesterday, my MX892 would not turn on.  I messed with the power cord and got it to light up - 

Unfortunately it was with a B200 error.  What is a B200 error you ask?  Well I called Canon support to find out . . .  what a disappointment.


Support had me go through all the stuff I already had - then gave me the good news:  send it in for service (cost unknown), or get a whooping discount from Canon on a new printer.


Needless to say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Well I guess it's shame on me.  This is the third Canon printer I am having problems with (and the last).  Every encounter with Canon has lead to my spending more money, and more money, and more money, do you see a pattern here?


Now I have read all the posts, and have seen a Canon rep interject every now and then  (basically all with the same message "get off the board and contact Customer Support - so they can 'sell' you another printer".


I look at all the Canon products I have purchased over the past few years, and wonder 'why'?


This is a slippery slope, Canon. 


You may save the cost of replacing and obviously flawed product, but the hidden loses are much higher.


Hey, I'm retired and have nothing but time to tell everyone I run into about my "unpleasant" experiences with Canon.


Do the math.


Or, maybe this is part of the business plan - to lose X percentage of clients per year as an acceptable cost.


Well people, losing our individual petty business may not hurt, but collectively maybe we can have an impact.


Vote with your feet.

"Amen" , so well said
In fact, I am going on Amazon right now to "voice my opinion" 
I know my review will be seen/read

8/31/14. Mine just died midway through printing, 18 months old, light use. Great printer except its DEFECTIVE, based on what I've read, it's done and I will not be buying another Canon product. There is obviously a problem with this line. Thanks for ripping me off!


For those of you who have purchased ink that you can no longer use because of the defect of this printer, you can recoup some of your money by selling the packaged ink on Ebay.


My PIXMA 892 stopped working mid print job too. Tried all the suggestions on this thread of moving to a different outlet, etc. Printer was only 15 months old. Loved the printer while it was working, but 15 months lifespan is not long enough for something that was used only once or twice a month. I am going to Costco this afternoon to buy an HP printer instead.


I was just printing on my MX 892 & like the rest of you, it shut off mid print.  Such a shame that there has not been any good news to come from this.  I'm a stay at home Navy wife & mom & a new printer (or even paying for repairs on this one) is DEFINITELY not in the budget.  I really would have expected a longer life from this printer.

I am pleased to see so many of you with this Canon printing problem are moving on (to other printer companies).


Every time I look at that big black paperweight on my printer rack, I shake my head and wonder why.  I have

another dead Canon printer sitting on my printer rack downstairs.


For every one of us who takes the time to make a post here, there are HUNDREDS of people with the same problem

who just threw up their hands and bought another printer  (some of them are even Canon printers).  I know, because

this is my third Canon with basically the same issue.  I have now learned my lesson . . .  NO MORE CANON PRODUCTS!


I hope maybe collectively we can have an impact on Canon's customer relations.


It won't do me much good (my minds made up) but it could help other users in the future.


Canon, you know the statistics. What you see here is only the tip of the iceberg.

Remember the Titanic.



Add another dead printer to the list. I guess I was one of the lucky ones because I purchased ours in August 2012 so had 25 months with it rather than the 17-18 months most people are reporting. There is obviously a problem with this model. After reading what the solutions offered by tech support are, I am tempted to trash it. However, I will contact them anyway because I'm hoping that if enough of us do, they will step up to the plate and do something to compensate all of us (other than offer a "discount" on a new model).

That is what I had thought.   However . . .


What Customer Service did for me was to give me a few quick distracting things to try (which of course did not work)

and then came in with the punch line - sell me another printer!


Save yourself some heartache, skip dealing with Canon and buy another printer - FROM A DIFFERENT MANUFACTURER!


I hate being so negative about this, but you can see from all the people who posted comments here, none of them

received any satisfaction from Canon.  Not a one.


I hope you can get some piece of mind knowing that you are not the only one to get cheated out of good money.

There are many, many more.  Most of whom never visit this site.


Good luck.  I hope you find a solution to your problem.

