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PIXMA iP8720 DOES NOT print 12x12 files


I bought this printer because it was specifically advertised as being able to print 12x12 for scrapbooking. Now I'm seeing that the only way to actually do that is to buy 13x19 paper and trim it down, which is extremely wasteful. Is there no other way? Is there any particular reason Canon neglects to include that in the product description? If this is the case, I will spend the rest of this year (at least) writing enough reviews to make sure everyone I come into contact with on social media knows that they're going to waste enough paper using this printer to wallpaper a house. SO ANGRY 


I am not printing via the Canon EasyPrint app...I'm printing from other differing photo editing apps and I'm establishing my print job settings including custom paper sizes via the printer settings as installed in the Windows operating system by the printer driver installation app. Also as stated in a previous post, I sometimes use the Print Server feature present in the Windows operating system to add custom media/paper sizes not present in or installed by the printer driver.

Hi Saschacanada,
I'm not printing via the Canon EasyPrint app...I'm printing from other differing photo editing apps and I'm establishing my print job settings including custom paper sizes via the printer settings as installed in the Windows operating system by the printer driver installation app. Also as stated in a previous post elsewhere in this thread, I sometimes use the Print Server feature present in the Windows operating system to add custom media/paper sizes not present in or installed by the printer driver.

I bought the printer for the same reason. It was being advertised as the New Craft Printer for 12x12 Scrapbooking. I have been very frustrated because I have not been able to figure how to make it print. If it is not made to print 12x12 then it should not be advertised that way. As you can see the yellow highlighted area states 12"x12" scrapbooking albums. So based on the advertisements this should have been the correct printer. Now I am stuck with a printer that I cannot use. Very disappointed in Canon. Canon iP8720 2.PNG

Hi!  It will print 12x12, you just have to use your Windows printer settings instead of the Canon software. I had to check and uncheck the borderless thing a few times til I figured it out, but it can be done. If you can't get it figured out on your Windows printer settings, respond here and I'll see if I can screenshot the settings for you. 

This might help 


On my laptop I went to Printers then started a print job. I had to change the paper setting to "other" and had to fiddle with the borderless thing. Don't remember if I checked or unchecked.  

Brilliant tip! Thanks very much 👍👍👍

Just purchased the 8720 - also thinking this would print a 12x12 borderless (from past advertising as shown here which I found after the purchase when trying to search solutions).  What is the work around? I can do a custom 12x12 but not borderless so is that impossible? Im considering returning if not.  I have tried checking no border which gives me @3/8 borders and I don’t have an option (macbook pro) to just uncheck no border, only single or double fine line which gives me a little less white border w a fine black line.  Seems like Canon could have made this very simple but didn’t. 

To add to previous post, I want to use actual 12x12 paper not have to trim. 

Any work arounds for Mac users? 

May I ask how  you did the work around? I also bought this under the impression you could do 12x12 pages. 

