PIXMA MX922 with error code B200


I am about ready to throw this printer in the trash. First off everytime I want to print to it over WiFi I have to reset my router for my computers to be able to print. Now this error code (B200) comes up and the manual says to call support. Can a tech or someone from Canon help here?



Hi Frustrated83,


Disabling the Wireless LAN DRX and iPv6 settings on the printer may resolve the wireless issue you are experiencing.  To do this, please follow the steps located at the link below:


Checking the Wireless LAN DR and iPv6 Settings


Regarding the B200 error, if you have already reset the printer and are still receiving the error, the printer will require servicing.  Please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page to obtain your servicing options.

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I have MX892 with B200.  Called Customer Service but no result.  Searched internet but no solutions.  Only thing that i found has little hope is there are bunch of law suits again Canon cause of this error.  I am still holding on to my printer for little and wait and see what comes out of law suit.  As much as I love Canon printers, I am not sure I will buy another

Ok this is the third time I have had to write this question because it keeps bumping off..
I have a Canon MX922 and I am getting the error code B200 as well. I can not find a gray lever to get to the print head... what do I do? Frustrated and about to trash this printer...
Makes me mad because I bought it two years ago and I have used it very little..

I know this is late but. Since this has been brought back to life, I'll fill in what happened with me. Finally got ahold of support. Long story short after doing everything I've already tried again. They said the printer was defective or some crap. They sent me a "new" printer with replacement ink (which was cool). But the "new" printer did the same exact thing as the old one. So the best place for the printer is in the trash.

Thank you

I, too, looked for the gray lever.  There isn't one on the 922.  To remove the print head, remove all cartridges, then pull on the bar along the bottom of the carriage, with the colors on it, straight out toward the output tray.


Then reach to the back, top of the cartridge area and grab the print head, pulling the top of it down and out toward the output tray.  It will be easiest to grab the print head by the little tab that protrudes forward from its back, between your first and ring fingers, and pull the top out and down, rotating the top of print head assembly toward you.


It will make sense once you try it.


I am having the same problem as the others in this list.  I tried all of the fixes suggested and all suggested procedures on YouTube.  


I'm ready to trash this printer and buy an HP.  I wish I hadn't just bought a new set of cartridges!


Can anyone help me?


I have two of these models and they both just started producing this error.  I bought both within 3 years.  The rep on the phone basically said I could take it for service  (probably $80+ per) or just throw it away.....stating they're not build to last that long anymore.  What a poor QUALITY program..

1. Turn OFF Power
2. Open the print head bay (as though you were about to change inks)
3. Turn ON power
4. Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and let it go past half way
5. Before print carriage reaches left hand side (but after going halfway across) shut the cover.
6. Leave the Printer turned on
7. Good to go.