PIXMA MX922 with error code B200


I am about ready to throw this printer in the trash. First off everytime I want to print to it over WiFi I have to reset my router for my computers to be able to print. Now this error code (B200) comes up and the manual says to call support. Can a tech or someone from Canon help here?


Hey, I was getting this, and maybe it was spurred by the 1403 code (incorrect printhead)... but all I did was soaked a rag in alcohol and wiped everything down on the inside of the machine, on the right side mainly. There appears to be a "waste sponge" which is used to soak up ink... maybe that was tripping the sensor... Just be careful to not accidently touch the encoder strip, which is a 1/4" clear plastic tape with black lines on it. I accidently touched it and spent another 10 minutes with a new rag cleaning it to get rid of streaks... dunno if that was necesasary persay, but it's printed 3 sheets successfully so far...


just didn't want to be one of those guys they pipes in, saying, "Hey guys, got it to work, thanks!" and not explain what I did...
