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PIXMA MX922 - broken lines and distorted characters in plain paper printing



I repeat the post I placed in support section in a hope that more people will see it this way.


I have an MX922 printer for almost 2 years. All this time, practically from the day 1, printing in black on plain paper was impossible because of broken characters and lines. The only way to use this printer was to print on High Resolutiobn Paper setting. That was OK but was very slow , ended up with thicker lines (dense barcodes were unreadable) and resulted in higher ink use. I tried to clean the encoder strip as it was suggested by Canon support to no avail. Getting sick and tired from this shortcoming of otherwise excellent printer, I exchanged it with a new one of the same model a month ago. And the result is the same: only after 50 pages printed, wavy lines appear again. And cleaning of the encoder was unsuccessful again.

Does anybody know how to get a better access to the strip than through the small window for cartrige replacement? The window does not allow to see the strip well, left alone to clean it properly as it requires a foot long tools to get to the edges. Canon instructions are not helpful as they initially show MX922 but for cleaning, show schematics and pictures of a much more open model that is not helpful in this case at all.

I will really appreciate if somebody will tell me how to take out the scanner unit without breaking the machine as it is blocking access to the strip. I do not care if my warranty will be gone as I paid only $50 for the printer.

Thank you. 



I have an MX922 printer for almost 2 years. All this time, practically from the day 1, printing in black on plain paper was impossible because of broken characters and lines. The only way to use this printer was to print on High Resolutiobn Paper setting. That was OK but was very slow , ended up with thicker lines (dense barcodes were unreadable) and resulted in higher ink use. I tried to clean the encoder strip as it was suggested by Canon support to no avail. Getting sick and tired from this shortcoming of otherwise excellent printer, I exchanged it with a new one of the same model a month ago. And the result is the same: only after 50 pages printed, wavy lines appear again. And cleaning of the encoder was unsuccessful again.

Does anybody know how to get a better access to the strip than through the small window for cartrige replacement? The window does not allow to see the strip well, left alone to clean it properly as it requires a foot long tools to get to the edges. Canon instructions are not helpful as they initially show MX922 but for cleaning, show schematics and pictures of a much more open model that is not helpful in this case at all.

I will really appreciate if somebody will tell me how to take out the scanner unit without breaking the machine as it is blocking access to the strip. I do not care if my warranty will be gone as I paid only $50 for the printer. Thank you. 

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi LT287,


Troubleshooting with our support group will be needed to narrow down the cause of your issue. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

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Thank you ArthurJ,


I spent quality time on the phone with the Support Group but all they could offer is to send the printer in for repair or exchange. But as MX922 is out of production and no other printer in today's Canon TR/TS model lines have all the features packed into MX922, I decided to keep using it for now as I need them in one machine. I will have to eat up additional expenses for ink and live with other disadvantages of slow uni-directional printing.

May be later in the year Canon will come up with a model that will integrate CD/DVD/BluRay printing AND FAX  again together, then I may send it in for an exchange. I was glad to learn that with the new models, timing strip is protected from contamination by design so hopefully, my problem will become history.

Thanks again!

