PIXMA MX850 Error Code B200


Suddenly error code B200 no explanation in manual have canon pixma mx850

103 REPLIES 103


My Canon MX 850 shows error b200 on power up. As a result, I cannot get the printhead to come out. Is there a way to do this manually? (or any other way to fix error b200)
--Canon PIXMA MX850 Multi Function Printer

Hi everyone,



If you're still running into the B200 error code after unplugging the printer for at least 10 minutes, you'll want to contact our technical support agents.  Just click on Contact Us to drop us a line.



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I did as suggested in this forum in terms of removing all cartridges, removing print head, rinsing print head with hot water until it ran clear, WAITING OVERNIGHT to reinsert the print head (don't forget to put down the grey lever to the right of the print head) so that it dries completely (I also used a q-tip and rubbing alcohol on the internal contact for the print head) and reinserted the cartridges.  Worked, although it appeared that there was a slight misalignment issue, so had to run that manually.  Not perfect, but at least it works for now.  Really irritating that Canon was so generic in their tech support responses.  I have lots of Canon products and am really disappointed in this issue.

Don't power up to remove the print head. Just open and drag the print head to the center so that you can remove it.

Where isthe printhead on the MX850?

It houses the printer cartridges.  Once you remove the cartridges, the print head is underneath.  There's a good youtube video on how to remove the print head.  It's not hard, but you have to tilt it (I think back) and then pull up after raising the grey lever to the right of the print head.


I got a B200 error as well. I had been scanning all morning, where the scanner was scanning fairly quickly. I was not printing on the unit, and I have not printed on the unit for weeks. After scanning to PC PDF disk file for about 100 pages (i.e., no printer involved), it then started scanning each page much more slowly. This seemed very odd so I decided to powercycle the unit (turn it OFF then ON) in hopes that it would reset its state and that scanning speed would resume to normal. When I powered it ON, I received the B200 error code. Once again, I was not even printing, and have not printed on the long in a long while.


I have tried various suggestions online but had zero luck. B200 keeps appearing and the unit is completely inoperable. I noticed each printing cartridge was empty (by looking at the clear side part). I was surprised by this since I thought some were partially full… I’m not sure, but maybe the ink can evaporate over time if not used.


In any event, I replaced each cartridge with a new one, but the B200 error remained. I then removed the printing head, and placed it back into the unit, but the B200 error persisted. I was going to order a new printer head, but it’s like $50 without shipping (~$100 w/shipping from one vendor) which is a huge chunk of money I can apply to a new printer. Regardless, the error message is generic, so I'm not 100% sure what the real cause is, so buying a new printer head would be based on a guess on my part, possibly an incorrect costly guess.


While I had been very favorable about Canon’s MX860 based on my usage while the unit was working, this behavior in handling an error condition seems like it can be improved so that it is more accommodating to the consumer for the following two reasons…


First, the B200 error is unclear, and does not surface any detail about the specific low-level reasons for the unit’s internal software taking the path of displaying the error and then making the unit completely inoperable thereafter. Imagine if your care displayed such an error code and disabled your vehicle because of an old filter. Perhaps this analogy is bad, but how I can know given the error code is ambiguous.


Second, the B200 error leads to the unit becoming completely inoperable, where it seems (I infer) that parts of the unit could still be left functioning. I'm forced to infer due to the first reason mentioned above, the generic error code offers me no info to understand whether making the unit completely inoperable is reasonable. I infer as I do here because there is much online info about B200 relating to the printing aspect of the unit going bad, not scanning to file, or faxing over the phone.


In the end I have a bricked MX860... completely inoperable.


dont know how i figured it out, but I did...

start with the printer off

similtanously pressed the ON button and the Home button...several times...I did it like 10 times...the printer starts to go a little haywire but then comes back to life!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

I fixed mine...by accident...just out of pure frustration

start with the printer off

similtanously pressed the ON button and the Home button...several times...I did it like 10 times...the printer starts to go a little haywire but then comes back to life!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Unfortunately, when I open the cover of the printer, the ink cartridges are not accessible.  How do I get to them if they do not automatically move out from the right side of the printer?
