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My MX430 keeps going offline and won't print


My MX430 is set up for wireless printing and keeps going offline and won't print.  I have reinstalled the software several times and it keeps happening.  It is my only printer and is set as the default.


Operation system. Windows 7

cannon mx340 is off line but every thing is hooked up

[Removed personal information per Forum Guidelines]



Try uninstalling the MP Drivers and IJ Network Tool (if the printer is being used wirelessly).  Then download the latest drivers from our website to see if this helps with your issue.


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My Pixma MX920 keeps going offline and will not print.  I have Windows 10.  This just started.  If I shut the computer down and start it again, then it prints for awhile but then it goes offline again.

Hi tjwells4,


Troubleshooting with our support group will be needed to narrow down the cause of your issues. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance. You will have the option to speak to one of our phone or live chat agents.


Contact Us.


We look forward to hearing from you.

I worked with the support line and thought everything was fixed.  It printed the trial with no problem.  Now, after a day has gone by and when I tried to print something, it says the printer is still offline.

Works for windows 10 too - need to adjust the last part a bit.

Thanks. Always curious how the heck anyone solves these things.

This has been bugging me for years!!  
