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My MX430 keeps going offline and won't print


My MX430 is set up for wireless printing and keeps going offline and won't print.  I have reinstalled the software several times and it keeps happening.  It is my only printer and is set as the default.



Same problem,  using windows 8.

please help.



I'm having the same problem with windows 8. someone please help.

Hi scherrf and dspider100, thanks for posting!


The solution steps provided in previous posts may need to be customized, since you're working on a newer Operating System.  We'd like to walk you through the steps; please use the link below to get in touch with us, so we can get you up and running as soon as possible!


Contact Us


On 2014-10-06 I posted the details of the solution that worked for me at a similar Canon forum:


It continues to work for me.  The wireless printer connection hasn't failed since then.


It's a permanent solution that you only need to do once. (It isn't a workaround that wakes the printer temporarily after its connection fails.)


The solution involves using your computer's web browser software to access the printer's built-in web server (by entering the printer's IPv4 address into the web browser's address field), going to the printer's Settings webpage, and entering a value in the Location property. (Which was blank by default.)


If you try it, please post (preferably in that other Canon forum) a few days afterward, to report whether it solved the problem.


Good luck!

I still have z same problem. With windows 8 I still can't z printer status online. I can't find z port mentioned in z above comments. I reinstalled from z cd but still problem not fixed

Hello, I am having the same problem. But, I have a MX922 printer, and a Chrome OS on a Chromebook.


I am having the same problem with a mac 10.10.1 Yosemite operating system.  Please help

Hi mulde1ka,


I would like to have you print the LAN details from the printer to determine the printer's status on the network.  To do this, please follow the steps located here.  Please reply with the values contained in the Signal Strength and TCP/IP version fields.


If this is a time-sensitive matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.


I am also having this problem on Yosemite 10.10.5. If I turn the printer off, then on again, network connection is restored. It just won't keep the connection alive for more than a few hours.


I did print the LAN details when the connection was active and printing was working. Signal Strength is 56% and TCP/IP Version is IPv4 & IPv6. Hope this helps.


Please advise. Thank you!

This work for the MX922 also.
