Message on Canon MP830 of need to install correct print head


My MP830 printer recently gave me an error about needing to install the corrrect print heads.  I replaced all of them with new ink cartridges and continue to receive the same error.  Is there a way to correct this, or reset the printer to original settings?





Hi mclurch4,


I see that you have removed and replaced the inks, but the print head is what the ink tanks sit in, and it can also be removed.  I have included full instructions for doing so HERE.


The next step would be to have the print head entirely replaced, but I'm afraid that this model has been retired, and replacement parts are no longer available.  I regret any inconvenience.


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After my post I found a previous post on the print head removal.  I did this and re-inserted it.  The error persisted.  I guess it's time for a new printer.  I hate to throw out brand new cartridges.  I'll try the print head one more time.


thanks for the quick response!



Hi mclurch4,


If it comes to pass that you do end up replacing your printer, oftentimes, we can work something out in regards to the spare inks you have (depending on how much you have). As long as your new printer is purchased directly from Canon. 


Our Canon Upgrade Program specialists will be happy to talk with you more about your options, should you need them. They're at 1-866-443-8002 daily from 8am to Midnight (ET). 

But the cartridges are now open.

They should still be able to work something out. If not, let us know! 
