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MX922 scanner not working


I have a MX922 printer connected through wireless to a MacBook Pro Sierra 10.2.1.  The printer prints fine, so the wireless does work.  However I receive a prompt


"Scanner reported an error. 

Cannot communicate with scanner for these reasons:

- Scanner is turned off.

- (If using Wired LAN connection) It is disconnected from Wired LAN.

- (If using wireless LAN connection) Signal strength is poor due to obstructions.

- Network connection is prohibited by security software.

- Different scanner on the network is selected."


None of these conditions apply, but rebooting the printer and computer does not resolve the problem.  This may be the first scan I've attempted since upgrading the OS, however.


-- Dan


So my problem was fixed.  It was caused by my anti-virus. I use Webroot and they aknowledged that all of their clients with Canon printers suddenly had problems when an update to the software was issued.  So in my case and all others who owned a canon printer, they rolled back the update and that fixed the problem.  



Does that mean you will not update your antivirus when a new update is available? Or would it be better to find a new free antivirus that is perhaps compatible?

It wasn't a virus definition update, it was a program update and they are going to fix the issue and re-issue the update. 

oh okay, thank you, I'm sorry I misunderstood

This worked perfectly for me.  Thanks so much for the clear instructions and help!!
