01-25-2022 07:28 PM
This has been going on for quite a while, but I thought it was down to the printed matter I was scanning.
There appears to be tiny lines running across whatever I scan, whether it's at 150. 300 or 600 dpi.
Someone suggested it's a hardware problem - I hope not, as this is the second one I bought, and would hate to think it's the last.
If I turn Miss Ekberg 90°, the line runs up her nose, so it's not the printed matter.
Any ideas to what could be causing this?
02-10-2022 04:34 PM
They only offer a $15 or $20 discount - not worth it for me.
12/18/2024: New firmware updates are available.
EOS C300 Mark III - Version 1..0.9.1
EOS C500 Mark II - Version
12/05/2024: New firmware updates are available.
EOS R5 Mark II - Version 1.0.2
09/26/2024: New firmware updates are available.
EOS R6 Mark II - Version 1.5.0
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