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MX 922 - IJ scan utility install issue


I recently replaced my home desktop computer with a Lenovo laptop.  I installed the Canon software on the new computer and the printer appears to function correctly.  However, the IJ Scan Utility was not installed from the CD.  So I went to the Canon website and reinstalled the MP driver download which contains this utility.  But again, the IJ Scan Utility is noit installed.


Is there any reason for this utility to not install on my new computer?




Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi magntag,


Please press the Windows key on your keyboard and the letter S, then let both go.


In the Search box, please type IJ Scan Utility.


Please open the IJ Scan Utility by clicking the application from the search results.




No, that did not solve the issue.  The driver is not installed.   I receive this error message:  


"A scanner driver supporting this software is not installed.  Install it and try again"


I have attempted to install this software multiple times but it is never installed.
