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MP Navigator and High Sierra


After installing macOS 10.13.1 (High Sierra) MP Navigator EX 4.0 has ceased to work.

243 REPLIES 243

This worked on both of my computers with High Sierra.  I have a 9000F Scanner.  Thanks a bunch.

See post by JP9 above. worked for my 9000F scanner. Needed MP Navigator 3.1

"For this inexperienced user - what else can I do please?"


Here is what I have done to keep my CanoScan 8800F working continuously:


Find an external hard drive - a drive that you will use (boot from) any time you want to use the CanoScan 8800F.  


1.  Install Mac OS X Sierra onto this external hard drive.



2. Boot up (run) Mac OS X Sierra from this external drive. Next, with Sierra running, install the MP Navigator Ex

    onto this same external hard drive.  


3. Now any time you need to scan, plug in the external drive and boot from it.

    Next, plug in your CanoScan 8800F, and run MP Navigator Ex --     

    Since your operating system is now "Sierra", MP Navigator will run as it always has, what you expect.


4.  When you are through with scanning, re-boot back to your High Sierra.  Remove (unplug) external drive and store with the

     CanoScan 8800F for the next time you need to scan.  


I hope this will help. I use an external drive, leftover from upgrading the laptop.  The setup of the external drive took less than one hour.  If you don't have a spare external drive, you can always buy a new one - tell the sales person what you plan to do.  There is no need to invest much money, if invest at all.  


thanks but no text for scan on my MX885



Want to scan documents on CanonMX870.  Using Apple oS High Sierra

MP Navigator EX won't open.  Gives quit unexpectedly message. 

Have sent to Apple.



Just spent the last 2 hours of my life on this problem, mostly reading through the whole thread.  I have a MP560 and none of the work arounds helped.  Not Preview, Image Scanner, MP 3.1 or 4.0 or any other.  In the end I used a simple solution to get the work done I needed to do today and that was simply inserting a thumb drive in the USB port of the scanner and scanning directly to it then moving the thumb drive to my Mac.  Bottom line I too am incredulous that corporations are willing to force customers to buy new technology by not supporting old equipment.  Sadly our anger clearly means nothing to these corporations as we can see that Apple repeatedly pulls stunts like this and we all keep buying because at the end of the day the new technology ultimately wins out.


Sigh 😞


Maybe we'll get lucky and California or the EU will pass a law requiring tech companies to support products for a minimum time say a decade or two.

Bravo to studawg66 for solving the MP8xx - Navigator problem.  Newbies to this thread, I will savestudawg66 you the two hours it took me to find this 

Re: MP Navigator and High Sierra
‎12-27-2017 12:41 PM


And as for Canon ... shame on you for not providing a solution for this problem. The MX860 I have is a perfectly seviceable printer/scanner so why should i be forced to discard it or find some cumbersome workaround because you guys want us to buy new hardware.  At the very least, tell your support staff about this solution so they can tell frustrated users.  And update your softward download pages to include MP Navigator 3.1.5 for High Sierra.


Bottom line, is I will never buy another Canon product and i will repeat this story of abysmal cutomer support to anyone who ever says they are planing to buy a Canon product.

Hi Russell,


Having fixed the MP Navigator and High Sierra through your helpful forum, I am now having the same issue with MP Navigator and Mac OSMojave can you please help. 

My Canon Pixma MG 8150 has ceased working

again after updated my iMac to the new MacOSMojave.



This really sucks and very suprised Cannon will not update the driver.  Guess if that happens all of our Cannon office equipment  will be laid to reast and we will never buy a cannon office product again!  Why would we?  A simply update in driver is something we would expect


