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MG7520 printer turning off as if it were being unplugged and presents error code


I have a Canon MG7520 printer, which I have connected to my windows 10 computer via usb cable, and it is about 2 years old. The issue I have with it, which has become more and more frequent, is when I go to print a document, sometimes the whole thing will print fine. Other times it may print one page, a  couple pages, or even a couple documents and then it will randomly turn off on its own, just like as if it were being unplugged. But it is not being unplugged, and an error code used to pop up on the screen, but I couldn't find any information pertaining to it (I can't remember what the error code was now). And when it turns off, it can be in the middle of printing a page, and everything just stops, leaving the paper in it, or it can just be sitting idle. But when turning it back on it presents a message saying the printer wasn't turned off properly, and it will spit the paper it was working on out, and restart the whole printing process (so say you were on page 5/6 when it quit, it'd restart printing from 1 again unless you hit cancel). 

So I was just wondering if anyone else is having this issue of their printer randomly, and very frustratingly, turning off on its own, and what I could possibly do to fix it, or whether I should just look into getting a new printer. 

