MG3000 Series Driver Installer


Difficult to use.


1) Should make it crystal clear that Antivirus may need to be disabled / and or windows firewall, otherwise it waits forever trying to acquire lastest information. At least 3rd attempt now.


2)Then, If running the installer from the very beginning Tab - it automatically downloads image garden, whereas if run from the 'Useful Software' Tab, it provides a selectable list of software to install.

I don't want image Garden - but it's wasting my time downloading now ( not fast data speed here ). If I cancel it ( which I did ) the whole driver tool fails to install and have to start again. If I start from the useful software Tab then the drivers are not installed.


3) Probably something else will crop up but I'm writing this while waiting for the unwanted image garden.






Hi, christine333!


While installing the accompanying apps lets you take full advantage of your Canon PIXMA printer, the apps aren't tied to the driver and the each can be installed separately.  If you just need the driver, click HERE, click "Drivers & Downloads," and enter your printer's model number.  You can then choose individual items to download and install, including the driver by itself.


If your printer is not listed on that site, then it may be a model that is not supported by Canon USA.  We recommend clicking HERE and choosing your country or region from the map to get support for your part of the world.


We hope this helps!


Driver located and execute - it asks if you want to use it Wireless Router or USB.

We want Wireless - although the router AP has no WPS button and the printer is not yet connected to Wifi.

Nevertheless  - it asked if we wanted Wireless - so we selected that.

Of course - then it reports no printer found ( because it has not been given the wifi credentials yet).


So, are we left to assume that IF we have no WPS and the printer is not yet connected to the wireless - we MUST select USB first? Then assume we can enter the wifi credentials via the USB connection? Could it not have said that during installation?


This could be so much easier - so far spent over an hour trying to connect this printer, and that time has a value more than the cost of the printer.


 *** UPDATE ***

Cannot find any printer properties that allow us to configure the Wifi credentials. - Please advise.

Connected to USB successfully.




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Support kndly provided link to drivers and utilities for MG3051


We connected to the printer using IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) which is named

ndsu-win-1_3_0-ea34_2.exe   using USB and discovered the printer.


IJ Utility now reports the printer as available when viewing the IPV4 / IPV6 settings

Blue light on printer is ON

Signal strength reports OK.


Printer now OFFLINE


Device manager reports 'Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer. (Code 45)

To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer.'


How to get the pinter ONLINE please!!


Note - during the wireless setup, at no time were we asked to enter the Wifi Password when we selected the network. Is this expected?



