How do I save a scanned image as a pdf file w/ my MG5420?


I just installed my MG5420 printer and when I scan an image I do not see an option to save the file as a .pdf file.  Is there a scan utility to assist in scanning documents?  There was a utility for my MP800 printer that made this very easy.


Rising Star

Hi delach,


It sounds like you may not have the My Image Garden software which allows you to scan documents to PDF.  You can download the software by following these steps:


  1. Go to Canon's Support & Drivers website at:
  2. Enter your model name into the Model Name field, then click GO.

  3. Select your operating system in the Select Operating System and Select OS Version dropdown lists, respectively.

  4. Expand the Software section by clicking the red triangle.
  5. Click on the file named My Image Garden.
  6. After reading the details and disclaimer, click 'I Agree Begin Download' and save the file to your computer.
  7. Once the download is complete, double-click the file from its download location to begin the installation.
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 there are many image software that has the ability to save a scanned image to pdf . here is image scan utility you can not only save as pdf and it can be used as pdf printer. quite simple and convenient. hope it helps you.

@facesad wrote:

 there are many image software that has the ability to save a scanned image to pdf . here is image scan utility you can not only save as pdf and it can be used as pdf printer. quite simple and convenient. hope it helps you.


hello, facesad, the image scan utility introduced by you is about save image as pdf, but i am looking for a scanning application, do you have similiar software. thank you

I've never seen an application that only controls a scanner and does nothing else, and I've been using personal computers from the beginning.  Scanning is typically a side function of a document editing or photo editing application like Adobe Acrobat or Photoshop, because software companies assume you want to do something with the scanned image after it's scanned.  That's why you got that first response that you should use the software bundled with your Canon unit - it won't cost you anything.  Do you own any photo or image editing software?  They typically can get an image from a scanner with the menu item File > Import.

Delach, please accept my apology - it looks like what I told you was incorrect.  If your 5420 is like my 7120, the only software that will run the scanner is Canon's "IJ Scan Utility", which is part of the software that came with my printer.  So it's not a true Windows scanner, it's a proprietary Canon scanner, which is not recognized by Windows as a WIA scanner device.


I have been using my MG5420 for several years to make pdfs.  As years past, I create new folders in which to save my pdfs.  For some reason, I cannot create any new folders now.  I went to Canon IJ Scan Utility/Settings/Document Scan/Save Settings/Save In.  The drop-down menu shows My Documents plus several other folders I have generated over the years. 

Since I want to create a new folder, in the drop-down menu I selected Add...  When I get there, I see the same set of folders, and the Scan Utility does not indicate any approach to work through my files and identify a new folder.  It looks as if the software may not be functioning correctly. 

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? 

Thank you,


Hi Laserguy,


Please open My Computer and browse to the location that you wish to place the new folder.  Click on File, New and then Folder.  Once this folder has been created you can then open the IJ Scan Utility and browse to the folder that you just created and you will be able to add it.  If you continue to have difficulties, please contact our support group using the following link:


@delach wrote:

I just installed my MX420 Cannon printer and when I scan an image I do not see an option to save the file as a .pdf file.  Is there a scan utility to assist in scanning documents?  


I bought MX922 a few years ago.  It worked well.  But, recently, without any reason, the power shut down completely like a dead machine.  I like this printer, so I went to bought an identical model.  Strangely, after installation, each successful scan produced two identical PDF files in my file folder.  No big deal, I can manually delete one copy.  Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
