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Horizontal Banding on MP990


Hello. Hoping to get some help from this forum on some suggestions/known causes of the horizontal banding that I am seeing with color printing.


Here are some of the things that I have tried/tested in my attemp to resolve this issue.


- My nozzle check patterns look correct (no banding, all boxes in grid are aligned)


- Have performed a 'Cleaning' and a 'Deep Cleaning' (numerous times) with no difference in print job quality


- Performed a 'Manual' print head cleaning (via removing print head) with no difference in print job quality


- Have attempted to do a 'Auto Head Alignment' and it acts like it is going to do something, but quickly ejects 1st page out of printer and provides the error "Auto head align has failed. Press OK and repeat operation <See Manual>". It does this repeatably, never completes an Auto Head Alignment. I can do a manual alignment, but completing it does not help my problem. (see Canon results 'ManualPrintHead-1of2.jpg' and 'ManualPrintHead-2of2.jpg')


- Performed the 'Nozzle Check' function but do not see any issues in printed results (see attachment NozzleCheckResults.jpg)


- Have performed a 'Roller Cleaning' and a 'Bottom Plate Cleaning' with no change in print quality.


- Have attempted printing different types of picture file formats (.png, .jpg, .bmp, .gif) with no difference in picture quality


- I have attached the different prints (print attempts that were scanned via MP990 in a .jpg format) and have attached. The pictures are;




Have also attached the original file that was used in the print tests (MorningSky-Original.jpg)


Hoping someone recognizes the problem and is able to provides some recommendations.


Thanks in advance for help received.

Chris Albright




